Gerlinde is a blacksmith in Lords Of The Fallen who improves weapons throughout the game. When she receives a rune tablet, she will make a rune that can be inserted into weapons and shields to provide various buffs. After players find the third rune tablet, they can give it not only to Gerlinde but also to Sparky. This is a creature that Gerlinde has taken as a slave.

Sparky is good at runesmithing and is therefore very useful to her. However, as soon as Gerlinde gets the third rune tablet, she will no longer need Sparky, which means death for him in Lords Of The Fallen.

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Should Players Give the Rune Tablet to Gerlinde?

Gerlinde, the blacksmith in Lords of the Fallen

After Gerlinde receives the rune tablet, she will be deeply grateful to the protagonist and the items in her shop will become cheaper. At the same time, Sparky will be very upset and say that he did not doubt the player's greed. But if players leave Skyrest and then return, Gerlinde will be waiting for them with a generous reward. Namely, they will get Crafter's Essence, a rune that removes all weight and stat requirements from the equipment it is inserted into.

Thus, this choice is very useful for players; however, from a moral point of view, this is a terrible decision, and many people will not like it. After players pick up the Crafter's Essence, they will never see Sparky again, so Gerlinde probably just kills him.

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Should Players Give the Rune Tablet to Sparky?

Lords of the Fallen: Sparky

​​​​​​​If Sparky gets the rune tablet, he will use it to escape from Gerlinde and leave Skyrest. He will be genuinely grateful and will therefore give the protagonist the ability to runesmith. This will allow players to upgrade weapons and insert runes at all Vestiges. This will save a lot of time for players and help them to avoid going to Gerlinde. On the other hand, Gerlinde will raise the prices of all her items.

From a moral point of view, it's better to give the rune tablet to Sparky so that he can be free. Also, the ability to upgrade equipment on Vestiges is quite convenient. However, the rune given by Gerlinde will still bring more benefits, so players should give the rune tablet to her if they do not care about Sparky's fate.

Lords of the Fallen is now available on PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S.

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