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Lost Judgement sometimes requires players to wait for a specific time of day in order to trigger an event or continue a side case. This guide will explain how to change the time of day as needed. Unfortunately this particular feature dues require players to enter Premium Adventure, which is only unlocked on completing the main story.

Related: Beginner Tips for Lost Judgement

Lost Judgement is an action-adventure game developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and published by Sega. The game follows detective Takayuki Yagami as he investigates a criminal currently involved in a sexual harassment case and an ongoing murder investigation. Along the way he explores both Kamurocho and Yokohama, taking on side cases and engaging in several additional activities ranging from batting cages to a VR parlor.

Changing The Time Of Day

Lost Judgement activities

Unfortunately, players need to enter the post-game/Premium Adventure of Lost Judgement before the time of day can be changed freely, allowing players to easily adjust the time of day as necessary for side cases. Until that point, players can only change the time of day by continuing the main story until the time of day changes as part of the story, and the game will otherwise stay at the same time of day indefinitely.

Unlike some other open-world games, Lost Judgement does not feature a day/night cycle that transitions automatically as time passes, instead only changing the time of day as is appropriate for the current story beat. This, combined with the inability to adjust the time of day until the main story has been completed, makes it difficult to complete some side cases during the playthrough as they will often have requirements that can only be fulfilled at a certain time of day. For this reason, it's sometimes worth putting off certain side cases until the story is finished, or at least until the time of day in the main storylines up with the time of day needed to continue the side case.

As for actually changing the time of day in the post-game, this is accomplished by sleeping on the couch at one of the two offices available to Yagami.These are found at Yagami's Detective Agency in Kamurocho, and the Yokohama 99 Office in Yokohama. Since there's an office in both areas, it's possible to change the time of day in either of the main explorable spaces in the game.

Lost Judgement is available for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Amazon Luna.

More: Lost Judgement: Complete Guide & Walkthrough