Judgment was fun, but its Mortal Wounds weren’t. If Yagami was struck by bullets or other heavy-duty attacks, his life bar would be permanently shortened until the player used a Medical Kit or went to the doctor for a check-up. Thankfully, RGG Studio got rid of that in favor of Yakuza: Like a Dragon’s RPG elements for Lost Judgment.

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Enemies can now inflict status ailments like Agony, Stun, Bleed, and more. However, Yagami can equip Gear to reduce those effects while boosting his own stats. Some are better than others, so which items are the best of the bunch in Lost Judgment? Here are a few suggestions.

7 EX-4

Lost Judgment Gear- EX-4

The Gear is split between Inner Tops, Inner Bottoms, and two Accessories. Each has its own stats, and they stack up when combined. So, even if one item is comparatively so-so, they're worth combining for the overall stat boost. Still, if players can get a decent item like the EX-4 early, they’ll be ahead of the competition.

It’s an Inner Top that boosts Defense by 4%, increases EX-Charge by 20%, and makes EX-Boost last longer by 20%. In other words, players that love using EX-Actions or powering up will want to go after this item ASAP. All they need to get it is to wait until Squirrel Search is available (Chapter 5 onwards), then look in Le Nouveau Hama in Ijinchō.

6 Battle Support SS

Lost Judgment Gear- Battle Support SS

If push comes to shove, players can opt for the Battle Support SS Inner Top instead. While it doesn’t offer any EX-Charge and Boost perks, it'll come in handy if they're having trouble with enemies that inflict Agony. It reduces its duration by 50% and increases Attack and Defense by 7% for good measure.

It’s also free, provided the player has Squirrel Search and looks around near Kyushu No.1 Star in Kamurochō for the squirrel picture. If they don’t, they’ll have to make do with the regular Battle Support. It only offers a 3% Attack & Defense buff, and a 10% Agony reduction. But it is available from Coming Boon for ¥15,000 from the start of the game, so it'll keep Yagami in good condition until the Squirrel hunt begins.

5 Fighter Innerwear SS & Fighter Boxers SS

Lost Judgment Gear- Fighter Innerwear SS

These items share a spot because they offer the same perks, come from the same store at the same time, and cost the same amount of money each. They boost Attack and Defense by 12%, which is a tidy number for players who prefer to use Yagami’s standard combos than the EX-Actions. They may be flashier and fancier, but players can juggle foes with ease if they master Yagami's move set.

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Then they'll go down even faster if players equip these two items for that attack buff while making Yagami more robust. They just have to reach Chapter 10 of the main game, head to Coming Boon, then cough up ¥30,000 for each item. While that's quite late in the game, players will need that 24% overall boost to deal with the latter encounters and boss fights.

4 Multi-Booster 2

Lost Judgment Gear- Multi-Booster 2

The Accessories aren't as imperative as the Tops and Bottoms, but they can add a little boost to their skills, or some pep to Yagami's step. For example, the Multi-Booster 2 adds a 3% Attack and Defense buff and improves the EX-Charge Rate and EX-Boost Duration by 10%, which is nice enough on its own.

But when it’s combined with the aforementioned EX-4, it’ll make Yagami an EX-Powerhouse for anyone who goes all-in on offense. It comes in at the perfect time too: available from Chapter 6 onwards at Coming Boon for ¥39,800. Players will have either already picked up the EX-4 through Squirrel Search by then or be ready to track it down to add to the Multi-Booster 2’s effects.

3 Resistance Shirt & Resistance Pants

Lost Judgment Gear- Resistance Shirt

It’s good to go on the attack. However, there’s still a chance a foe can flank Yagami with a cheap shot that dazes him, makes him cringe in place, or drains his life bar. At best, it’s annoying. But at worst, it can leave Yagami at death’s door. Especially in the later chapters when the enemies get more aggressive and bring out more weaponry. Luckily, there’s some Gear that can help out with that.

Both the Resistance Shirt and Resistance Pants make Yagami more resistant to status effects (hence the name). They nullify Stun, Agony, and Bleed Duration by 30%. Combine the two together, and Yagami will bounce back from it much more quickly. They come at a cost though. The Resistance Shirt is available at Coming Boon, and the Pants are at La Chatte Blanche. Both cost ¥289,000, and both aren’t available until Chapter 10.

2 Hemostasis Booster 2 & Anti-Stun Contacts

Lost Judgment Gear- Hemostasis Booster 2

Still, those outfits do take up Top and Bottom slots, which may be better suited for offensive boosts. Are there some Accessories that offer the same perks while leaving the clothing slots free? Well, yes, provided players don't mind dealing with Agony by themselves (the Ranpo Skill and enough Dog Food can save the day once per battle). The Hemostasis Booster 2 will reduce Bleed by 70%, and the Anti-Stun Contacts will boost Defense by 3% and cut down Stun by 30%.

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The former can be picked up from Kinka Pharmacy for ¥25,000, or the Skateboard Exchange for 40,000 Skate Points. The latter comes from Welcome Pharmacy for ¥18,900. The Anti-Stun Contacts 2 are better, reducing Stun by 70%, but the player has to beat The Gauntlet’s 100-Man Conqueror Mission to get it. The regular Anti-Stun Contacts should do the trick until the player has mastered the game enough to take on that mission.

1 Multi-Top 3 And Multi-Leggings 3

Lost Judgment Gear- Multi-Leggings 3

So, if those Accessories can handle status effects, what is the best Top and Bottom set for everything else? Stat-wise, it’s hard to argue against the Multi-Top 3 and Multi-Leggings 3. They both increase Attack and Defense by 10% and add 15% to the EX-Charge Rate and EX-Boost Duration. Combine the two together, and players have a set that covers all their bases effectively. This is probably why they cost ¥200,000 each at Coming Boon and are only available in the Finale.

The Leggings can also be unlocked by completing Side Case #51, but that’s a DLC case. If players stick to the base game, they can grab the Multi-Top 2 and Leggings 2 from Coming Boon and Ebisu Pawn Kamurochō respectively for ¥100,000 in Chapter 7. They're weaker with a 5% Attack and Defense boost, and a 10% EX-Boost Duration and Charge Rate perk. Still, they'll do the trick until the Finale or Premium Adventure arrives.

Lost Judgment is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Amazon Luna.

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