There are five safebox rooms in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, and there are two puzzles associated with each one of them. Specifically, each room's first puzzle centers around the film posters that appear outside of them, while the second focuses on the letters and safes that can be found inside. This guide is here to help players work through all of these puzzles and fully address the safebox rooms in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes.

The specific posters, letters, and safes that appear in and around each safebox room seem to vary across playthroughs. As such, this guide will focus on the processes that are used to address these Lorelei and the Laser Eyes puzzles , as it is not possible to provide specific solutions that will work for every player.

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes: All Shortcut Puzzle Hints & Solutions

This guide will help players solve all 20 shortcut puzzles in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, which appear in S.C. Bolt's Number Puzzles Volume 1.

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes: Film Poster Puzzle Solutions

Before players begin digging into the film poster puzzles, they should interact with all the film boxes that are found in the 2014 TV Room. Indeed, those boxes, which will enter the Films section of the Photographic Memory menu, contain information that is critical to solving the film poster puzzles, and this guide to unlocking Room 2014 in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes will help fans get to them.

Padlock in the Elevator Hallway

lorelei and the laser eyes film poster puzzles

Safebox Room I is found next to the elevator on the hotel's first floor, and there are three posters hanging on the wall next to its entrance. Those posters will depict two of Renzo's films and a "+," and players should simply look at the boxes for the two films that are represented and add up their release dates to determine the code that is used to open Safebox Room I's door.

Padlock East of Foyer

lorelei and the laser eyes film poster puzzles

Safebox Room II is found by passing through the doorway on the right side of the Foyer on the first floor, and there is a film poster in front of it. Examining that poster will reveal that it is either backwards or rotated 180°, and here are details on how to address both situations:

  • Backwards: Enter the release date into the lock, but start with its right-most digit and end with its left-most digit.
  • Rotated: Write down the release date on a sheet of paper, turn it upside down, and enter the new number that is created. For example, 1959 becomes 6561 when flipped upside down.

Padlock North of Foyer

lorelei and the laser eyes film poster puzzles

Safebox Room III is on the first floor of the hotel, and it is accessed by passing through the doorway in the top-left corner of the Foyer. Next to the room, players will see halves of two film posters, and they should follow this process to determine the door code:

  1. Look at the poster on the left.
  2. Determine whether it is the right or left half of the film's box.
  3. If it is the left half, look at the box and record the first two digits of the film's release date.
  4. If it is the right half, look at the box and record the last two digits of the film's release date.
  5. Repeat those steps for the poster on the right.
  6. Use the recorded digits to open the lock. The digits associated with the left poster are the lock's first two digits, while the digits associated with the right poster are the lock's last two digits.

Padlock by the Stairs

lorelei and the laser eyes film poster puzzles

Safebox Room IV is on the second floor, at the top of the stairs from the Foyer, and there is a film poster next to it. Examining that poster will reveal that it is either backwards or rotated 180°, and here is how both situations are to be addressed:

  • Backwards: Enter the release date into the lock, but start with its right-most digit and end with its left-most digit.
  • Rotated: Write down the release date on a sheet of paper, turn it upside down, and enter the new number that is created into the lock. For example, 1959 becomes 6561 when flipped upside down.

Padlock on the Mezzanine

Safebox Room V is on the second floor, and it is accessed by traveling down the hall that is across from Safebox Room IV. There is a film poster split into four parts in front of the room, and here is how players can use it to determine the code that opens Safebox Room V:

  1. Determine the film box that corresponds with the split poster.
  2. Think about the complete box art as being comprised of a top-left quadrant, top-right quadrant, bottom-left quadrant, and bottom-right quadrant.
  3. Assign the first digit of the film's release date to the top-left quadrant.
  4. Assign the second digit of the film's release date to the top-right quadrant.
  5. Assign the third digit of the film's release date to the bottom-left quadrant.
  6. Assign the fourth digit of the film's release date to the bottom-right quadrant.
  7. Determine which quadrant is depicted in the top-left corner of the split poster and assign that quadrant's value to it. This is the first digit in the code.
  8. Determine which quadrant is depicted in the top-right corner of the split poster and assign that quadrant's value to it. This is the second digit in the code.
  9. Determine which quadrant is depicted in the bottom-left corner of the split poster and assign that quadrant's value to it. This is the third digit in the code.
  10. Determine which quadrant is depicted in the bottom-right corner of the split poster and assign that quadrant's value to it. This is the fourth digit in the code.

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes: Safe Puzzle Solutions

The first step toward solving the safe puzzles is to use the letters that are found within the safebox rooms to determine the correct combinations. Here are details on how to extract that information from each of the possible letters:

  • Letter that references "five hundred years": Add 500 years to the letter's date (1847) to get 2347.
  • Letter that references "forty years": Subtract 40 years from the letter's date (1847) to get 1807.
  • Letter with "1846" underlined in the top-right corner: The code is 1846.
  • Letter that states that "time is the year": Turn the letter's date into a time (18:47). Convert that time into 12-hour format (6:47).
  • Letter that references "forty-nine years": Subtract 49 from the letter's date (1847) to get 1798.

Once players have used a letter to determine the associated safe's code, they must work to input the code into the safe. Here is how that is done for every type of safe that can appear in the safebox rooms:

Safe with Strange Buttons

lorelei and the laser eyes safe puzzles

To enter the code into this safe, players must determine the values of each of the shapes on its front, and that is done by counting the number of squares that takes to create the shapes. This means that the single square that appears on the safe has a value of 1, while something like the large "L" has a value of 9. Fans of puzzle games should then press the shapes with values that correspond to the code, making sure to go in the correct order.

Safe with LED Buttons

To enter the code, players must create the shapes of the digits, pressing the enter key after each one is complete. The images that are above will assist with that endeavor, and fans should interact with the circle, and collect the Computer Disc, when the job is done.

Safe with Four Buttons

lorelei and the laser eyes safe puzzles

Each of the buttons on this safe represents one of the digits in the code, with the button on the left representing the first digit and the button on the right representing the last digit. To open the safe, players must press each button a number of times that corresponds to its associated digit's value. For example, if the code is 1846, fans of indie games should press the first button once, the second button eight times, the third button four times, and the fourth button six times.

Safe with Two Dials

lorelei and the laser eyes safe puzzles

Players should configure the dials on this safe so that it looks like a clock displaying the code as a time. For example, if the code is 1847 (6:47 on a 12-hour clock), players should spin the inner-dial so that its arrow points downward (6) and spin the outer-dial so that its arrow points two short lines above the long line that is directly to the left (:47).

Safe with Three Dials

lorelei and the laser eyes safe puzzles

The goal with this safe is to turn the dials until the associated code is displayed. While players may be able to achieve that goal simply by turning the dials at random, it is worth knowing that the first dial increases the value by 6, the second dial increases the value by 90, and the third dial increases the value by 400. While fans of games with unique art styles may be targeting several different codes when interacting with this safe, it may be worth noting that they can reach 1798 by turning the first dial three times, the second dial two times, and the third dial four times.

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

PC , Nintendo Switch
May 16, 2024
Annapurna Interactive