Elves aren't exactly a new thing in fantasy lore, appearing in mythology that's already hundreds of years old. However, it was Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings that gave us the tall, handsome elves as modern media now depicts them. Legolas is one of the most iconic characters in literary and film history, and when gamers roll Elfish characters, they're usually based on him or his peers.

People remember the heroics they saw depicted on screen and described in the books, but the real Legolas was much more complex than looking good and having a few precise shots with a bow. Not all of his behavior throughout The Lord of the Rings saga was admirable, and he made some profound mistakes and did some stupid, mean things.

7 Didn't Intervene For The Dwarves

The Hobbit barrel riders

Inserting Legolas as a character in The Hobbit was an interesting move. He must have been around, according to the timeline, but he never appears in the book. His father was keeping the whole company of dwarves locked next to their wine cellar. Add this to the fact that Legolas likes his wine, and it's easy to conclude that he must have known they were there. So why didn't he intervene on their behalf?

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It's a debate that fans of the books and films have. Many would argue that Legolas was a product of his time and didn't care about the Dwarves at all. However, this makes him less of a heroic figure and more of an agreeable social doormat.

6 Allowed Gollum To Escape

rivendell from the hobbit

For people that can move so quietly in the forest or perceive the slightest change in the air, Legolas and his peers made one of the most serious mistakes in the whole history of the War of the Ring. They allowed Gollum, also known as Smeagol, to escape their captivity.

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Legolas announces this bad news at the Council of Elrond, and up until this point, everyone thought Gollum was safe in the Wood Elf's keeping. For some foolish reason, they let the prisoner roam freely, thinking that he was too clumsy to escape and harmless if he did. Gloin, one of Thorin's company who was also in attendance at the Council, found this method of captivity rather unfair and made sure Legolas heard about it.

5 Whined About The Wrong Season In Lothlórien

leaving lothlorien fellowship of the ring lotr

After a long and deadly road through the Mines of Moria that left every member of the Fellowship shocked, it was a relief to reach the woods of Lothlórien. Even though the Elves there were suspicious and equally dangerous, they were preferable to the goblins and Balrog.

Who's the one person who isn't impressed? Legolas has little more to say about the golden woods other than he wishes it was springtime, when they look much better. Of course, he knows that because he's been here before, and wants to make sure everyone knows.

4 Threatens Éomer And The Riders Of Rohan

Legolas Eomer and Aragorn

This was an already tense moment that Legolas just couldn't help but make even worse. Perhaps he was trying to overcompensate out of guilt, but pulling a drawn bow on Eomer, the leader of the Riders of Rohan, wasn't a good idea. Anyone who reads this scene is surprised at Legolas' visceral reaction to Eomer's taunt about Gimli's height, which seems to come out of nowhere.

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There were some harsh words spoken regarding the Golden Wood, but that's exactly when smart people have to choose their words carefully. Luckily, cooler heads prevailed in this instance, and the story continued.

3 Criticized the Gardens Of Minas Tirith

lord of the rings minas tirith feature

If Lothlorien wasn't good enough for Legolas, it's easy to predict that Minas Tirith isn't going to be, either. Considering the design of this city, carved out of a mountainside, it's impressive that there's any vegetation at all. But of course, the Prince of the Greenwood doesn't consider that.

Granted, this might have been a way to make conversation with Gimli, who started by criticizing the walls, masonry, and other stonework. Legolas seems to be attempting to one-up the concern trolling by saying that the houses look "dead" without more growing things.

2 Doesn't Engage With Thranduil

Thranduil and his elk

In the books, it's possible that Tolkien considered these details and just left this out, but considering the father-son relationships seen in other parts of the book, it seems like something is missing here. The film adaptations of The Hobbit tried to pad this gaping hole with a clumsy non-story about Legolas' mother, but that never goes anywhere.

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Legolas seems to be the kind of elf that goes along to get along anyway, at least in his youth, which might explain why he doesn't push back against anything Thranduil does,. Either that or he's equally xenophobic, aloof, and cynical, which is also possible.

1 Generally Being A Showoff

Legolas Bow

Legolas loves to find ways to brag about something. Where he's been, what he's seen, who his dad is, and more. Anything can prompt the conversation, too, from walking in the woods to visiting a new city. It's a good thing he's a skilled orc killer; otherwise, his friends might not put up with it.

Speaking of fighting, it's not enough that Legolas is good at what he does. He also finds an excuse to keep count so that he can tell everyone exactly how many enemies he's killed, which makes an already grim situation even worse.

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