Ever since it debuted in early access last year, PS4 exclusive Dreams has welcomed a vast array of amazing creations from its passionate fanbase. Despite the game not even having hit shelves yet, the community surrounding the title has embraced the wide suite of creation tools available within its current build, designing everything from other video game levels to locations from iconic films.

The latest creation to hit Dreams is one of the most expansive and authentic to date, with Reddit user DrJones20 crafting the entire city of Minas Tirith from The Lord of the Rings within the game. As fans of Peter Jackson’s epic trilogy will know, Minas Tirith is one of the largest and most visually striking locations in the entire series, sporting giant walls and a host of enormous white towers.

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Rather amazingly, the Dreams recreation is almost identical to Jackson’s interpretation within the films, from the imposing main gate to the protruding cliff that expands from the palace in the center. It’s clear the creator has studied the cinematic presentation of the city intently, designing a replica that’s almost indistinguishable from the source material. It’s yet another stunning example of the wide array of tools available to players within the game, with creators managing to assemble structures that resemble even the most complex architecture.

Of course, Minas Tirith is far from the first recreation to pop up in the world of Dreams. Creators have gone as far as to recreate entire experiences within Dreams, with one player even remaking Hideo Kojima’s notorious PT with the tools available in the game. Other users have done everything from remaking Dead Space, designing a functional recreation of the original Metal Gear Solid, and even replicating a scene from Silent Hill 2. It goes without saying that the game is shaping up to be a wide hub for creative players who are looking for a platform to design and share their amazing ideas.

With the game releasing fully in just a month's time, it seems as though Minas Tirith, PT, and Dead Space will be the first of many amazing creations to come from Dreams in the near future. With Media Molecule’s road to releasing the title taking many years and featuring a few stumbles, it’s a strong sign to see the game’s community thriving as it finally nears its February release date.

Dreams will be released for PlayStation 4 on February 14, 2020

MORE: Dead Space Also Recreated Using Dreams