Since its announcement, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum has been one of next year's most highly-anticipated games, with Daedalic Entertainment hoping to bring players back to J.R.R. Tolkien's iconic universe for a closer look at one of its most complex characters. The tie-in has been shrouded in mystery ever since it was first revealed, but its developer is hoping to change that with new footage debuting at the Future Games Pre-Show event.

At a recent behind closed doors presentation, Game ZXC was shown a hands-off preview of the upcoming fantasy adventure, revealing new details about how the game will play and what abilities Gollum has in his arsenal. Alongside a heavy focus on story, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum revolves around tense stealth gameplay, with the titular protagonist having to sneak through large areas of Mordor avoiding unwanted attention.

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The demo shown during the presentation took place in a series of Orc-infested caverns, showing Gollum navigating his way through the depths of Mordor. As expected for a land consisting of caves, volcanic rock, and spider-infested tunnels, much of the central location's terrain is perilous. Luckily, players will have an arsenal of climbing abilities to utilize, with Gollum able to ascend cliff faces and leap over dangerous gaps. Additionally, he'll be able to run across walls, climb poles, and slide down steep surfaces. During the latter half of the presentation, it was revealed that The Lord of the Rings Gollum also features stamina mechanics similar to games like Shadow of the Colossus and Breath of the Wild, with strenuous activities such as sprinting and hanging off ledges depleting a stamina bar.

Unfortunately, Gollum isn't quite as proficient at fighting as he is at climbing, with the character having to rely on sneaking, hiding, and stealth attacks to survive. Noise will play a major part in these segments too, with the titular protagonist able to use his heightened senses to gauge how loud his actions are and whether any enemies are suspicious of his presence. Stealth attacks will be a particularly noisy tactic, meaning players won't be able to rely on them to take out several enemies in close quarters.

If the player does alert a nearby foe, they'll have to use their agility to escape, whether that's through scaling walls or running to a hiding spot to wait out their attackers. Regardless of whether or not they get away, being spotted will still have serious ramifications on how levels play out, as Gollum's whereabouts will be shared between orcs who will double their efforts to find him.

Luckily, there's a lot of different routes to Gollum's objectives, with levels offering a variety of paths to completion. It appears Daedalic Entertainment wants to give players the freedom to explore and master these sections, using Gollum's climbing skills to plot new ways of conquering levels through each subsequent playthrough. The studio has paid extra effort to replayability in general, revealing that it's currently working on extra difficulty modes that make for a significantly tougher experience.

Gollum sneaks past an Orc army.

The final moments of the footage introduced an NPC ally that comes to Gollum's aid, with Daedalic announcing that similar companions will help players out during the game. In this case, a human character known as Grashneg teams up with the protagonist, asking the player to escort them through a dimly lit passage filled with hazards. In return, Grashneg can use his brute strength to break down walls, allowing Gollum to proceed with his quest. It's unclear how often these moments will occur during the campaign, although the developer hints they'll be infrequent.

The demo is a strong indicator that Daedalic Entertainment is crafting a fresh and intriguing Lord of the Rings tie-in that focuses on Gollum's character and his internal moral struggles. Although the segment didn't reveal too much about how the anti-hero's split personality will factor into gameplay – with the presentation hinting that more will be revealed at a later date – there enough suggestions that the story will delve into his unique psychology. The team even teased that the narrative might move away from Mordor and take Gollum to some other recognizable Lord of the Rings locales. It's definitely a game that players should keep their eye on as it continues to push towards its release date next year.

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum is coming to PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch in 2022.

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