From stoic ranger to noble king, Aragorn’s journey in The Lord of the Rings is extremely moving and compelling. Viggo Mortensen excelled in this role, truly embodying Tolkien’s character and adding so much to the role.

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Full of sword skill, loyalty, and courage, Aragorn has been a fan favorite since the movies first came out. His inspirational speeches are second only to Theoden’s legendary speech at Pelennor fields, and Aragorn's compassion and bravery throughout the trilogy demonstrate why he deserves to be the King of Gondor. Here are ten of the best quotes from the Ranger of the North.

10 "You Will Suffer Me"

aragorn claiming the throne

Only Aragorn would have the audacity to square off with the King of The Dead. Only Aragorn could come out of the confrontation still breathing. In Return of the King, deep beneath the mountains of Dwimorberg, Aragorn calls the Men of the Mountain to honor their oath to the Kings of Gondor.

Surrounded by an army of the dead, and told that “the dead do not suffer the living to pass,” Aragorn does not blink in the face of impending doom. Instead, he delivers a thunderbolt of a line before clashing swords with the Dead King. The man deserved to be King of Gondor after that.

9 "It’s The Beards"


Aragorn is many things, brave, inspiring, broody, and mysterious. Yet he is not often funny. So in the midst of the flight of Rohan’s people to Helm’s Deep in the face of Saruman’s army, Aragorn provides viewers with some light relief.

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Gimli explains to Eowyn “Dwarf women are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.” Eowyn turns to Aragorn for confirmation, and he replies “it’s the beards”, before miming stroking a beard, just to hammer the point home. That’s just rude Aragorn.

8 "The Beacons Of Minas Tirith! The Beacons Are Lit! Gondor Calls For Aid!"

Aragorn tells Theoden The Beacons of gondor are Lit

This scene is one of the most emblematic of the trilogy. Aragorn charges into the hall of Theoden proclaiming that Gondor has asked for support in the final war against Sauron.

The tension that follows this cry is palpable, as Aragorn waits on the words of Theoden. A tension in which the fate of Middle Earth hangs in the balance. Theoden responds with those fateful words which will lead his people to war, which will lead to his own death, and the ultimate defeat of Sauron, “and Rohan will answer.”

7 "Then I Shall Die As One Of Them!"

Aragorn the ranger The Two Towers screenshot

Aragorn’s strength and commitment truly shine through in this scene. Despite the urgings of Legolas to flee from the battle of Helm’s Deep and the almost certain death that lies at the end of it, Aragorn refuses to run.

Aragorn instead decides to fight to the last alongside the people of Rohan against the legions of Saruman’s orcs. His courage does not fail, he does not forsake his friend nor does he break the bonds of fellowship in order to save his own skin.

6 "If By My Life Or Death, I Can Protect You, I Will. You Have My Sword"

lotr council of elrond

At the Council of Elrond when discussing the fate of the ring, Aragorn is one of the first to offer his aid and his life to Frodo in the pursuit of his perilous quest, demonstrating his commitment to the fight against evil.

Aragorn shows early on his caliber and strength of character and demonstrates his loyalty to Frodo, who he is clearly forming a friendship with after sharing many dangers on the road to Rivendell.

5 "There Is Always Hope"

Aragorn at Helm's Deep

Just when viewers thought Aragorn couldn’t get any more inspirational, he delivers this line. Just before the battle of Helm’s Deep, when Rohan’s warriors are lining the walls, a young boy confesses his fears to Aragorn, “the men are saying it is hopeless.”

After showing off his fancy sword skills, Aragorn takes the boy by the shoulder and reassures him, inspiring him, and giving him the strength he needs to fight on in the face of impending death

4 "A Day May Come When The Courage Of Men Fails, When We Forsake Our Friends And Break All Bonds Of Fellowship, But It Is Not This Day."

Aragorn Speech at Black Gate

Following Theoden’s Ride of the Rohirrim speech is no easy task, yet Aragorn was up to the challenge. Having led the remains of his army to the very gates of Mordor, after winning a crucial yet costly victory at Minas Tirith, Aragorn needed to deliver something special to fire up his troops.

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In the face of overwhelming odds, Aragorn comes out with a speech that makes everyone watching want to pick up a sword and follow him into battle at the Black Gates. It also references the fellowship that was torn apart in The Fellowship of the Ring, suggesting that although they have been separated, they still fight for the same goal. Inspirational.

3 "I Would Have Gone With You To The End, Into The Very Fires Of Mordor"

Aragorn and Frodo-1

This is a touching moment of friendship and solidarity between Frodo and Aragorn. The two have faced many trials together, surviving even the relentless ferocity of the Nazgúl.

Yet following the fight with the Uruk Hai at Amon Hen, Frodo decides to take the ring to Mordor on his own after seeing its corrupting effect on Boromir. Aragorn accepts his decision to leave the fellowship but proclaims his loyalty to his friend, and his dedication to seeing their mission through to the end.

2 "For Frodo"

aragorn leading the charge into mordor

These two little words contain so much emotion. A desperate hope for the fate of all the inhabitants of Middle Earth. Pride in his friend for facing off against seemingly insurmountable odds.

The abject terror of charging his small force into the hordes of Mordor, just to buy enough time for Frodo to save them all. Grim defiance against the darkness that would enslave the world. Viggo Mortensen could do so much with so little.

1 "My Friends, You Bow To No One"

Aragorn and Arwen in Lord of the Rings

It is an odd thing to see a newly crowned King kneel to others. Yet at Aragorn’s coronation, a whole city kneels to the four young hobbits who helped save the world. Aragorn shows that he is not letting his new crown change him, and that he still cherishes his friends, and admires them for their bravery.

This beautiful moment serves as the final conclusion to the lesson that Galadriel, Gandalf and Tolkien have been trying to convey since the start. It is not great power that holds evil at bay, but the actions of ordinary people, no matter how small.

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