Loop Hero’s concept is in the name itself. The world has been destroyed and now the player is the only hero left able to restore balance from an evil Lich’s plot. They are stuck in a time loop until they can achieve this feat. Loop Hero is part roguelike, part simulation, and every run of the game is different than the last.

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The chosen hero runs around a small track, automatically, and fights monsters in turn. Defeating monsters grants players equipment for boosting stats so that they can last longer along with materials that can be used outside of expeditions to build up the home base. Explore, die, and explore again. That’s the basic premise. There are ways to make the first few hours of Loop Hero more enjoyable so take heed of these tips.

6 Speeding Up Gameplay And Pausing

Fighting enemies in Loop Hero

It’s best to leave most of the default options alone in Loop Hero. It may seem like a good idea to turn off the option to pause after every fight but it isn’t. Pausing in-between bouts gives players time to think about their next move. This could involve setting up the right tile placement or equipping the best newly acquires armor.

The one option that should be changed in the menu is the walking and battle speed. Crank those slots up to the max. There’s no reason to move slowly in any scenario as players can’t input moves themselves anyway. Also, for new Switch players, don’t forget that touch controls are an option. Using it for tile placement is especially useful.

5 Building Tips

The building menu from Loop Hero

The main goal of each loop is to survive as long as possible. The longer players survive, the more materials they will in turn gather. Materials are used outside of expeditions to build up the village which is like the hero’s home base. It acts as a skill tree.

RELATED: Loop Hero: How to Beat Chapter 2

There are four important ones to build up before others:

  • The Field Kitchen makes it so campfires heal more health.
  • The Herbalist gives players potions to use automatically, which is an invaluable resource.
  • The Gymnasium adds a sort of level-up system to loops. Once enough monsters are killed, players can learn a temporary skill called a Trait.
  • Finally, the Supply Depots unlock tools that can be equipped which boost stats or grant skills.

4 Card Tips

A loop map from Loop Hero

It may seem like wherever players place cards on tiles doesn’t matter but it does. Before using a card, make sure to read them. There may be bonuses to how they get stacked. For example, rocks and mountains will give players more HP. If either of these tiles is touching then that amount will increase. Clump them all together.

Meadows are another good example but should follow an opposite placement strategy. Instead of gathering them all together, these cards should be placed next to other cards. Treasuries, for example, will give more materials to players when combined with meadows. They will sprout flowers as well. The overall tip here is to experiment and read card descriptions thoroughly.

3 Equipment Skills To Prioritize

Fighting enemies in Loop Hero

Players will gather a lot of loot during expeditions. It can be an overwhelming feeling when one fight may present three or more pieces of gear to examine. Colored equipment will also have special skills attached. What are the best ones to look out for?

Well, it may be obvious, but healing is of the utmost importance. Vampirism is a skill that drains a certain amount of HP from enemies whenever the hero attacks. Another option is Regen, which automatically heals players for every second taken while the game is not paused. This includes enemy actions. Of the two, Regen is more valuable. The more this skill is stacked, the more unstoppable players will become.

2 Keep An Eye On Traits

The Traits menu from Loop Hero

As previously mentioned, once the Gymnasium is unlocked, the hero can level up during a run. Once the character reaches a certain threshold, the top right corner will start flashing. This will indicate players can spend a point to gain one of three Traits. The Trait players should go for depends on the situation.

RELATED: Loop Hero: What are Golden Cards for?

For example, there is one that will give players a full deck of Oblivion cards. These cards can destroy any building or monster gathering on the map. This Trait should be acquired in desperate times like when the finish goal is within reach but health is extremely low. There’s another good one that will give players an extra health bar that fully replenishes after each loop on the path.

1 Try Auto-Loops

A loop map from Loop Hero

Loop Hero can almost play itself, however, it cannot place cards on the map or equip items. If Loop Hero patches in a way that allows this, then that would be great. However, contrary to earlier advice, it might be fun to turn off all pausing mechanics.

Players will presumably die quickly if they don’t tend to the game in any way. However, that’s not to say players won’t get anything back from a quick run on auto-pilot. Don’t rely on this method entirely to gather materials. Just experiment with the idea and see if it works out. Players could be surprised by the results.

Loop Hero was first released on March 4, 2021 for PC. It then launched on December 9, 2021 for Switch.

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