Since its release back in December of last year, Halo Infinite has seen a great amount of online traction. Despite some content still missing from the game, Halo Infinite has a lot to offer its player base in terms of both its multiplayer modes and single-player campaign. However, a recent clip shared online goes to show just how much of an influence Halo still has on its community of players.

Considering that Halo is Xbox's flagship series, there's a lot of authority and staying power that comes from having that title. Since the launch of Halo: Combat Evolved back in the early 2000s, Halo has become synonymous with Xbox as a brand, causing the series to persist for as long as Xbox has. As a result, many fans continue to enjoy Halo in the present as much as they did when they were first introduced, such is the case with this most recent user.

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A Reddit user named DragoMilter posted a clip of a killing spree they accomplished during a multiplayer match in Halo Infinite. The user mentioned how they would often make plays like this while playing previous Halo games in their teenage years. Thus, accomplishing such a feat in their thirties would certainly feel gratifying.

This clip alone goes to show just how important Halo is to the history of gaming as a whole. The fact that Halo Infinite has made a such profound impact on several Halo players, including longtime fans like this one, is impressive to see. Given that Halo Infinite resonated with Elon Musk, of all people, showcases how much the series can still resonate with its players.

This sentiment is especially true, considering the recent shutdown of the Xbox 360 servers for Halo 3. When that was initially announced, players flocked to their Xbox 360s to enjoy Halo 3 one more time. Some players even helped one Halo 3 fan pay tribute to fallen friend by shooting their guns in the air in-game. It's amazing how one game manages to bring so many otherwise random individuals together.

In any case, it will be interesting to see what the future holds for Halo Infinite going forward. Recently, a video circulated online that allegedly showed a leaked version of Halo Infinite's Forge mode. Right now, it's unclear whether the version seen in the video will be the final version players will receive, but all fans can do at the moment is wait for an official update from 343 Industries.

Halo Infinite is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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