Among Marvel Studios' more intriguing offerings of the past few years, perhaps few are quite as unique and engaging as the inaugural season of Loki, which premiered on Disney Plus in 2021. The show not only offered new insight into the title character after beginning his tenure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as an unambiguous villain, but it also introduced some endearing new characters to the mix. Now, audiences can rest assured that at least one of them will return for season 2.

Loki season 2 is gearing up to begin filming, which has many fans champing at the bit for any new info they can find on one of their new favorite shows. Luckily, one actress has those juicy tidbits they require. Gugu Mbatha-Raw, who plays the intriguing and enigmatic Judge Ravonna Renslayer on Loki, has now confirmed that she will return for the upcoming season, and it looks like she'll introduce plenty of new questions and answers as things progress.

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While speaking on Good Morning America, Mbatha-Raw naturally faced the question of what fans can expect from Loki going forward, and if she would be returning. While she didn't exactly have much in terms of specifics, she did toss viewers a bone. "I know there is a season two... I know that I'm in it...and that's about all I can say!" Mbatha-Raw said. "I just love Renslayer. I'm just so excited to explore her further, and I'm so happy that people are really looking forward to the next season." Looks like one of Marvel's coolest new members is thankfully continuing the franchise's trend of MCU female characters getting bigger roles going forward.

Renslayer was last seen in Loki slowly figuring out her own identity and what that means for both her and the TVA (Time Variance Authority). As one of the organization's high-ranking Judges, finding out that pretty much everything she thought she knew was a fabrication obviously shook her up a bit. But rather than letting it rattle her into submission, she set out in search of the free will the TVA took from her.

Now, knowing that she'll return in season 2 of Loki, it sets up some interesting potential storylines. One of the big reveals from season 1 was that all the employees in the TVA were actually variants, wiped of memories and identity and put to work. Considering the TVA's entire purpose was to find variants (versions of people that deviate from the main timeline), obviously things got a little shaken up when Loki and Sylvie confronted He Who Remains and essentially kickstarted the multiverse with his death. So Renslayer's story going forward could go any number of directions.

Either way, it's great to know she's coming back. Mbatha-Raw absolutely killed it as Renslayer, and seeing more of her character can only be a good thing. Given Marvel Studios' track record, it wouldn't be surprising to see her show up at the last minute during some big confrontation to help the heroes in a really cool way. Now if only Alligator Loki pulls the same kind of return.

Loki season 1 is now available on Disney Plus.

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Source: Good Morning America/Twitter