This article contains spoilers for Season 2 Episode 2 of Loki.

Loki has returned with another mischievous episode, with fans getting to see the anti-hero putting some of his powers on display for a change. Season 2’s second episode revolves around Loki and Mobius trying to track down Sylvie, who fans will remember is situated in Broxton in 1982. But, the highlight of the episode is the twinkle in Tom Hiddleston’s eyes when his character’s villainous instincts are visible momentarily.

With Loki, Marvel Studios has worked really hard to reshape the protagonist. Loki's character development in Season 1 is something fans still talk about, from the villain that he used to be to the man helping the Time Variance Authority, similar to what heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe would do. In the process, many fans believed that Hiddleston’s character had lost a spark. But, this week’s episode rekindles that spark, albeit momentarily, and the God of Mischief makes a brief return to his old ways.

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When the episode begins, fans see Loki and Mobius on Earth in the 1970s trying to track down X-5, aka Hollywood A-lister Brad Wolfe. When the TVA deserter begins to run away, Loki uses his powers to stop him. While it begins with a shot of a glowing green orb, it progresses to Loki using his powers of manipulation to stop X-5. At this point, he uses his own shadow to restrict X-5’s movement, with the shadow taking on the form of Loki’s iconic suit that fans have previously seen in MCU films.

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This scene was a great reminder of the character that he once used to be, and how easily he can return to his old ways. Even though he’s still on the side of the TVA, using a little magic doesn’t seem to bother Loki if it means getting his way. Not only is this thrilling for the character, but it also brings back the edge that Hiddleston used to give the character. The same edge is visible after Loki and Mobius manage to capture X-5 and bring him back to the TVA.

When confined in a cell, and interrogated by the duo along with Hunter B-15, X-5 manages to get under Loki’s skin and remind him of the “terrible, awful things” that he has done over the years. Even though what follows might be an act for Loki to get X-5 to confess, the way he immediately switches over to his old ways, and refers to his new attitude as “holding something back,” is bound to get Loki fans excited. The way he looms over X-5 and looks quite menacing is almost like a throwback to how the variant who lived in the MCU used to behave.

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The trend continues later in the episode when Loki gets his hands on a torture device and uses it on X-5 to get him to reveal Sylvie’s whereabouts. The way the scene plays out is enough to remind fans that Loki is still the God of Mischief, and isn’t just a typical hero on the Sacred Timeline. While the series has worked hard to convince fans that he has changed his ways, it seemed almost necessary to remind viewers that if needed, Loki can return to his old ways and reclaim the title that he once had. Even though he isn’t the same individual that wreaked havoc in the MCU before, his instincts are still intact.

However, all that said, this week’s episode doesn’t completely do away with Loki’s character development. When Mobius loses his temper during a conversation with X-5, it is Loki who pulls him away and tries to console him by sharing a story about a similar situation that he regrets. The story is of his invasion of New York City, which was featured in The Avengers, where he tried to “use the Mind Stone on Tony Stark,” and when it didn't work, “I threw him off the building! I mean, let me tell you something; it wasn’t tactical. I kind of lost it. Sometimes, our emotions get the better of us.” This shows the struggle that Loki faces between trying to let go of the villain he once was and becoming a true hero. The fact that he’s trying to protect the entire multiverse says a lot.

Loki S2E2 Loki and Sylvie reunite

Another highlight of the episode is the long-awaited Sylvie-Loki reunion. It was refreshing to see that the show didn’t immediately focus on the duo’s romantic plot and instead continues to build on the ongoing story. The divide between both characters seems to have grown exponentially since Season 1 ended. While they are theoretically the same person, with both of them being Loki variants, each character can stand on its own and be unique. However, when X-5 reveals General Dox’s plans to prune the branching timelines, it doesn’t take Sylvie long to join hands, literally, with Loki to stop her. Dox gives off major Thanos vibes as she wipes out several branches, essentially killing billions of people.

It is also important to commend the friendship between Loki and Mobius. The evil villain who held an entire city hostage with the help of alien beings is now attached to a human. Their buddy-cop routine remains one of the show’s highlights since it began and their banter is always entertaining for fans to watch.

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Even though the final scene of the episode is meant to be emotional, with the TVA employees looking at the blinking monitor that alerts them of the erased timelines and the cosmic failure that they just experienced, it fails to land. These employees are the same people who have participated in the TVA’s atrocities since the beginning of time and wiped several timelines to protect the one they refer to as sacred. The only reason they’re so affected now is that they have realized that they are all variants and had lives of their own before the TVA. Suddenly the lives that are being wiped are of value?

With Episode 2, it seems like Loki is moving full steam ahead on its storyline. With only four episodes remaining in the season, the series is focusing on maintaining the pace and focusing on the bigger picture of saving the multiverse. Despite that, the episode slows down in the right moments to focus on the main characters and their development and progression. It is the perfect balance of retaining the main timeline and focusing on the branches when needed. Perhaps the TVA should take cues on how to handle their problem from the writers of Loki.

Loki is now streaming on Disney Plus.

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The second episode of Loki's Season 2 offers a glimpse of the God of Mischief and the way he used to be prior to becoming the variant that he is now.