A little over a week ago, YouTuber and social media personality Logan Paul inadvertently stirred up controversy. Paul had created a tabletop by putting 15 Game Boy Colors into resin, outlining the tabletop in a red-and-white Pokemon pattern. Almost immediately, the internet became split on this, with many angry that Paul essentially “destroyed” and “ruined” this hardware and more. Others enjoyed the overall design of the Game Boy Color tabletop.

This post was made on December 6, with Logan Paul officially commenting on the controversy during an Impaulsive podcast on January 5, calling it a “ridiculous backlash.” Some comments said that that this was done out of some malicious intent, but he says he just loves Pokemon (and it should be noted that at least two of the Game Boy Colors used on this $1000 project were special Pokemon editions.)

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In the Impaulsive podcast, he explains that during his training for Mayweather and throughout the quarantine, he took up art resin and epoxy. He did a couple of little projects before deciding to tackle his Game Boy Color table, with Paul explaining Game Boy Colors as something he’s been “addicted” to for his whole life. He simply thought it would be cool to make a table like this, with some of his “favorite things,” but then he trended on Twitter. Paul's comments can be seen at the 1:06:56 time mark below.

Addressing some of the criticisms, he says that many felt like he was wasting the Game Boys and disrespecting the nostalgia, though he explained all he wanted to was memorialize his own childhood nostalgia. Paul states he boots up the original Pokemon games on Game Boy Color still from time to time. He also suggested that those implying this table was made worse due to the scarcity of Game Boy Color to “go on Ebay right now.” He continued that “they’re not in short supply, and I love them. These mean something to me.”

Overall, Logan Paul seemingly emphasized his feelings on this controversy by stating that “this is a simulation for sure, because this is the most ridiculous backlash..” and “you see someone spend so much time on a project, and yet you feel the need to invalidate it because some weird niche believes you have, not knowing my attention when I’m making this?” Logan Paul also laughed this off by suggesting some think he made this table just to say he spent 1000 bucks to put 15 Game Boys in it, which is a rather poignant remark given his intent to immortalize a part of his childhood.

The Game Boy color controversy has died down in the past few days, though it’s good to see Paul’s own thoughts on why he made this table. That doesn’t mean Logan Paul is out of Pokemon-related news though, as some have come to believe that his $3.5 million Pokemon TCG set could be fake.

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Source: Dexerto