
  • Wolverine fans are excited about the iconic mutant's upcoming video game, but they shouldn't expect it to have as many open-world elements as Marvel's Spider-Man due to the character's limitations.
  • Madripoor, the fictional island in Marvel Comics, could be a great location for the game because of its broken system and its association with Wolverine's alter ego, Patch.
  • The game should consider including locations like the Canadian wilderness, Westchester, and the Weapon X Facility to explore different aspects of Wolverine's origins and history.

Wolverine has been a massively popular Marvel character ever since his introduction in The Incredible Hulk #181 in 1974. That is why fans were excited to hear that the character was going to be the subject of another superhero game from Insomniac. Although Wolverine isn't a character who can traverse an open world in a fun way like Spider-Man, which is why most gamers are not expecting this game to have many open-world elements, players still want to explore some detailed locations. Wolverine is just not a mutant that lends himself to open-world exploration.

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Despite this, the character is a Marvel superhero who is used to globetrotting adventures. He is often seen in some iconic locations in the comics, either in a solo adventure or as part of the X-Men. As such, many gamers are expecting to see some of these locations as part of the upcoming Wolverine game.

6 Madripoor

Where Wolverine retires as his alter ego 'Patch'

Wolverine Madripoor
  • Debuted in New Mutants #32 (1985)
  • The place Wolverine fled when the X-Men were believed to be dead

Madripoor is a fictional island in Marvel Comics located in South-East Asia. The island is split into a highly wealthy elite and a criminal underbelly. It is also a place where many criminals take refuge in the Marvel universe as they cannot be extradited from there. This broken system made it the perfect place for Wolverine to live when the X-Menwere rumored to be dead. Donning the alter ego "Patch," Wolverine spends many years in Madripoor hunting criminals to escape his past.

Madripoor would be a great location for any Marvel video game. However, the brutal nature of Wolverine could make this place a great level to use as the basis for an all-out brawl. Many fans believe the bar seen in the game's trailer is in Madripoor, which would make sense if the game takes place in an era where the X-Men are no longer around.

5 Savage Lands

A vibrant jungle full of unique monsters

X-Men Savage Land
  • Debuted in X-Men #10 (1965)
  • A prehistoric nation created by Magneto

Despite how much fans seem to love The Savage Lands in Marvel Comics, the place has not been seen on screen in the superhero boom that has populated modern media and pop culture for the last decade. This prehistoric land is home to many extinct animals, including dinosaurs, and is often visited by the X-Men.

As a result, it would be a fun idea to spotlight this weird and wonderful location in the upcoming Wolverine game. A level of tracking and fighting monsters in the jungle could be great fun, and it could also be a good chance to flesh out some other mutants in the world, like the super-intelligent pterodactyl, Sauron.

4 Canadian Wilderness

It Is Where Wolverine Debuted

savage hulk
  • Wolverine first appeared here in 1974
  • One possible location for a Hulk boss fight

Since Wolverine is a character with Canadian origins, it only makes sense for the character to return to the country in his own video game. However, Wolverine isn't always one for big cities and large crowds. Hee is mostly seen wandering through the Canadian wilderness in an attempt to find his roots or let his animal instincts free. What's more, it is also a great place for the character to run into The Incredible Hulk.

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Most Marvel fans already know that Wolverine first debuted in an issue of The Hulk before becoming part of the X-Men, and the two characters fought, with Wolverine only surviving thanks to his healing factor. The two have been shown engaging in combat ever since, in a rivalry that has not been topped in comics yet. If Insomniac wanted to show that its Marvel games take place in an interconnected universe, there is no better way to do so than pitting Wolverine players against The Hulk. Of course, this boss fight would have to take place in an open area, and the Canadian wilderness has lots of those available.

3 Westchester

Home of the X-Men

X Mansion
  • The X-Men live and operate out of a mansion in Westchester, New York
  • Wolverine has been a part of the team since 1975

There has been a lot of speculation as to when in the Wolverine timeline his new game is supposed to take place. The character is most well known for his role as part of the X-Men; however, Wolverine has had a storied life both before and after his involvement with the mutant team. With that said, there is no reason that players can't drop by the area of Westchester no matter when the game takes place.

Visiting Westchester would allow players to interact with some other famous faces in the X-Men, or give players a look into the team's origins before Wolverine joined up. Being this close to Manhattan could also provide an excuse for the developer to put in a Spider-Man cameo.

2 Weapon X Facility

Where Wolverine Got His Metal Skeleton

Wolverine Weapon X
  • Debuted in Marvel Comics Presents #72 (1991)
  • A research facility tied to Wolverine's origins

Before Wolverine was used as a part of the Weapon X program, the character was a wanderer in the wilderness. The scientists at the Weapon X facility grafted the indestructible metal, adamantium, onto his bones and wiped his memories. This memory loss is why Wolverine often considers the Weapon X facility as the place where he was created. It is the location most associated with the character and often forms many of the narratives surrounding a Wolverine-centric story.

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Since the trailer has already shown Wolverine with metal claws, it is safe to assume that much of the adventure in the game will take place after these experiments. However, that does not mean that the story can't point players back in this direction to a level where they can engage in some old-fashioned revenge.

1 Japan

Wolverine's Home Away From Home

Wolverine Japan
  • Chris Claremont's character-defining run from 1982 takes place here
  • Part of Wolverine's past and present

Any Marvel fan who picks up a solo Wolverine comic from the 80s is likely to find that it takes place in one location: Japan. Wolverine spent time in th world training to fight under his Samurai master, Ogun, as part of his origin, and has even had comic runs that take place there alongside Kitty Pride.

However, most fans agree that the series that made Wolverine the popular hero he is today is the Chris Claremont run from 1982. In this series, Wolverine travels to Japan to find the woman he loves, but gets embroiled in a fight with The Hand and other criminal organizations in the process. It is also a great place for a boss fight with someone like the Silver Samurai. It seems no matter how brief the connection, a Wolverine game wouldn't feel complete without a nod or reference to his time in Japan.

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