While the user created levels in LittleBigPlanet 2 are all well and good, they very rarely hold a candle to those created by developer Media Molecule. The only unfortunate circumstance is that for the hundreds of user created levels that exist and those that are created daily, there are only about 40 story levels crafted by the wizards themselves. Thankfully, as part of an update that will also introduce PlayStation Move support, Media Molecule is going to be adding a few more story levels to their wildly popular title.

As part of a little Facebook chat between James Spafford and LittleBigPlanet fans, the question was posed as to whether gamers would be seeing the introduction of content similar to what was released for the first game, namely the 'paintinator' and water.

In response, Spaff, as his friends know him, was a bit mum on specifics but did confirm that new story levels would be releasing with the Move update.

Obviously the price of the DLC, if there is any, was not covered as part of the Q&A, nor was the number of story levels in development, but what was interesting about Spafford’s response is how he begins. Check it out below to see if you catch it:

"Question: *name deleted for privacy reasons*: In time, after we have created many great levels, will there be a DLC pack that is as big as Metal Gear and Pirates pack? (Paintinator and Water).

"Answer from Spaff: Almost certainly, but I can't tell you what yet The Move pack will contain some new story mode levels using Move controls made by us here, the guys are working on it at the moment, it's looking great!"

In response to the initial question of whether or not gamers would be seeing the same content as the paintinator or water, Spafford states that, in fact, Media Molecule does have new features of that caliber in the works, but does not elaborate further. Instead he transitions to a topic he can be more forthcoming about, namely the Move update and the story levels.

So what does this mean? Was the content that Spafford referred to contained within the update’s story levels, or is their more DLC on the way? It’s very possible, given Media Molecule’s devotion to LittleBigPlanet 2 as a platform for games that the developer would want to continue their investment in the sequel for as long as they can manage. Let’s hope there is a ton of content in the works and that some of it is really mind-blowing.

What would you like to see included as part of a LittleBigPlanet 2 DLC pack? Any features you feel would allow for some truly original user-created levels?

LittleBigPlanet 2 is available now for the PS3. Make sure to check out Game ZXC's review.

Source: LittleBigLand