Players get to control a cat in Little Kitty, Big City, and during their time with the game, they'll meet other animals in the city and complete quests for them. Humans are only passing NPCs, but they sometimes have a purpose. For example, they will either hold a valuable item or even interact with the cat, which is fundamental for some quests and achievements.

Little Kitty, Big City: How to Unlock the Map

Here is where players can find the map in Little Kitty, Big City.

Humans can photograph the adorable black cat; it is one of the various interactions that they can have with the main protagonist of Little Kitty, Big City, and it's even necessary in some cases. This guide will explain how gamers can persuade humans to take a picture of them in Little Kitty, Big City.

How to Get Photographed by Humans

humans with phones little kitty big city

Gamers will have to learn how to get photographed by human beings in Little Kitty, Big City in order to unlock the Local Celebrity achievement. However, it's also fun to explore every mechanic the game has to offer, and this is one of them.

There are several ways to interact with humans in the game; players can make humans trip, get them to pet the cat, or even play soccer with them. To make humans take a picture of the cat in Little Kity, Big City, players must get their attention by repeatedly meowing near them. Humans can carry items, briefcases, bagels, sandwiches, or phones. Naturally, they will be more likely to take a picture if they're holding a phone. However, it is not guaranteed that they will do it.

If the player has previously annoyed the human by making him stumble or any other way, they will not want to pet or photograph them.

How to Get the Local Celebrity Achievement

little kitty big city humans

To get the Local Celebrity achievement in Little Kitty, Big City, players will have to be photographed a total of 20 times by humans. Even though there is some randomness to it, there are ways to improve one's chance of being photographed.

As mentioned above, players should target humans holding a phone in their hands; otherwise, they will likely be petted or ignored. On top of this, they should also attempt to do this in a crowded area, such as the old lady's store. It is located near Kitty's apartment building, and there is a Tanuki fast travel portal to the market, so players can get there in no time.

little kitty big city
Little Kitty, Big City

May 9, 2024
Double Dagger Studio
Double Dagger Studio