The 2019 remake of Link's Awakening has a ton for players to explore. Every single area on the map has something for Link to examine or look deeper into. The best part of the journey is finding optional dungeons that could improve Link for later in the game. The Color Dungeon is the best example of this.

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The dungeon is found in the middle of the map in the graveyard. A code to unveil the entrance is found in the library after using Pegasus Boots to knock a book with the code down. Once players unlocked the entrance, their Color Dungeon journey begins.

11 Rooms 1 & 2

Opening room to the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening (2019)

The first room has a red and blue skeleton that tells the player that they need to have lots of Magic Powder to be successful with the dungeon. After this, they move out of the way for Link to pass through.

Room 2 is a room with red corners on top and green corners on the bottom. The obstacle in this room is three ghosts known as Camo Goblins. All Link has to do here is sprinkle Magic Powder on these goblins to kill them and open the door to access the next room.

10 Rooms 3 & 4

The first switch room in the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening 2019

Room 3 has four switches that are different colors in a square formation. Hitting one switch would change its color, plus the color of two adjacent switches. In order to activate the secret of the room, Link needs to find the Stone Beak in Room 6. Once he places the Stone Beak, the owl statue will say "Try if you dare: make every tile square."

Players must then turn all the switches blue to reveal a chest with a compass in it. To access Room 4, players must bomb the south wall in Room 3. Room 4 is filled with blue rupees but serves no other purpose.

9 Rooms 5 & 6

Duel Orb Monster room in the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening 2019

To the right of the third room is Room 5. The room is filled with colored tiles that change colors as Link walks on them. After walking on a tile three times, it will collapse. There is also a flying enemy called the Bone Putter in the room.

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It can easily be killed by using the boomerang. Continuing east will put Link in Room 6. Two Orb Monsters, one red and one blue, are in this room. Players must hit each monster with the sword to turn them into balls, then pick them up and drop them in their respective color-coded hole. A chest will appear with the Stone Beak inside it.

8 Rooms 7 & 8

The first small key room in the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening 2019

Room 7 is south of the sixth room. Once again, there are Camo Goblins in this room that the player must defeat in order to move on. Once the player uses Magic Powder on them, the doors re-open and Link can move left to Room 8.

Two Bone Putters are seen in this room destroying the colorful tile floor. Players can use the boomerang to quickly take out both and get two fairies in return. The chest in this room has the first small key of the dungeon.

7 Rooms 9 & 10

The second switch puzzle room in the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening 2019

If players decide to go north from Room 6, they end up in Room 9. This room has more colored tiles and two more Bone Putters to deal with. Players could ignore them, but the boomerang can knock them out and give the player fairies.

Heading north to Room 10, players will see another set of four switches that need to all be turned blue. The twist with this puzzle is the addition of a third color in the mix. Once the switches are all set to blue, a small key will fall from the ceiling.

6 Rooms 11 & 12

The Buzz Blob battle in the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening 2019

Moving to the right, Room 11 has three more Camo Goblins that are blending into the floors. More Magic Powder will do the trick in order to escape the room. Players can use the small key to open the north door in this room. Room 12 will have the dungeon's first mini-boss, a giant Buzz Blob.

The blob's green state is immune to Link's attacks. The way to beat this creature is by using the Magic Powder to turn the blob blue in order to get hits on it. When the blob goes down, the door on the left will open.

5 Rooms 13 & 14

in the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening 2019

Upon entering Room 13, players will see the big chest for the dungeon. All players have to do is move some blocks out of the way to open up the chest and get the Nightmare Key. Players will need to make their way all the way back to Room 4 where a locked door was.

Now in Room 14, Link will need to face the Stone Hinox Dekudon in order to move forward. Players need to use the feather to avoid being stunned by boulders dropping from the ceiling. After those attacks, Link can hit the Dekudon with any weapon. Once it's defeated, players can move on to the left.

4 Rooms 15 & 16

The immovable block room in the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening 2019

In the 15th room in the Color Dungeon, players will find another set of colored tiles and a Bone Putter. The enemy can either be killed with the boomerang or it can die by falling in the gaps. Either way, the goal is to make it to the top left of the room.

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Pick up the pot and activate the switch. The closed doors of the room will open. Head north to the 16th room where Link will be met by Zols. After taking care of these enemies, navigate around the unmoveable pots and barriers into the room on the right.

3 Rooms 17 & 18

The third switch puzzle in the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening 2019

The 17th room is a dead-end room but includes four Orb Monsters. Just like the monsters in Room 6, hit them once to turn them into balls. Toss them into their matching holes and down will come a small key needed for the final stretch. Go back to the 15th room in the dungeon and now head left.

In this room, there will be a larger version of the colored switch puzzles seen throughout the dungeon. The goal, once again, is to turn every switch in the 3 x 3 grid. Once successful, head north.

2 Rooms 19 & 20

The block switch room in the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening 2019

The 19th room fo the dungeon doesn't have much. The player needs to deal with a few Zols. There's also plenty of pots for Link to smash for potential goodies. Regardless, the only necessity in the room is to use the small key to unlock the door to room 20.

This room has a block switch in it. The door to the boss room is cut off by orange blocks. Link could either shoot an arrow at the switch or climb across the blue bridge and hit the switch that way. Either way, this should give the player access to the final two rooms.

1 Rooms 21 & 22

The Hardhit Beetle battle in the Color Dungeon in Link's Awakening 2019

The 21st room is the dungeon boss, the Hardhit Beetle. The beetle can be hit with any weapons. The goal of the fight is to hit the beetle repeatedly as its shell becomes redder and cracked. Link can't let up in his attacks because the beetle will begin to repair its shell.

Players will have to also deal with Stalfos that the beetle springs on them. Once players get passed the beetle, the 22nd room has The Fairy Queen inside it. The fairy will offer Link a choice between two outfits. The Powerful Red Mail would give him more power. The Sturdy Blue Mail would give him more defense.

NEXT: 10 Pro Tips To Surviving Hero Mode In Link's Awakening (2019)