
  • Explore Hawaii with Infinite Wealth and experience iconic landmarks like Aloha Beach and ABC Stores.
  • Discover the Worldwide Market Village and real stores like 88tees in this JRPG set in a fictionalized Honolulu.
  • Cross the Bridge to Anaconda Shopping Center and visit the Anaconda Shopping Center, inspired by real-life locations in Hawaii.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth finally takes the series to far-off shores. Hawaii is not quite like the rest of the United States, but it is enough of a change to make this entry in the series feel aesthetically fresh. The recreation of this section of Honolulu is faithful to the real place.

8 Best Quotes From Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

These are some of the most iconic utterances in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

In fact, there are several landmarks that most locals will recognize, whether that be buildings, streets, businesses, or beaches. While visiting these locations in Infinite Wealth might not be as satisfying as visiting them in real life, it does come with a one hundred percent lesser risk of sunburn.

Some of the locations have different names in Infinite Wealth , while others have retained the name. Licensing and rights are a complicated business, so it makes sense why some parts of the city are fictionalized.

1 Aloha Beach

Real Location: Waikiki Beach

Kasuga running on the beach

It would not be a game set in Hawaii without a prominent beach location. In Infinite Wealth, players spend a lot of time on Aloha Beach on the southern part of the map.

Many substories are set there and it is also where Ichiban Kasuga goes to transport himself to Dondoko Island. In terms of fictional names, Aloha hits the name right on the head. In real life, the busy beach in Honolulu is Waikiki Beach. It is similarly lined with businesses, hotels, and street performers.

2 ABC Stores

Hawaii's Convenience Store Chain

Kasuga standing in front of an ABC Store

If someone did not know, it is very easy to believe that ABC Stores is a made-up name for a shop in a video game. However, ABC Stores are a real thing and are where most Hawaiians buy small, everyday items for convenience. It is why they are called convenience stores, after all.

Several of these stores are scattered throughout the city and Kasuga similarly purchases various foods and drinks for the journey. Most Hawaiians do not have to buy them to literally recover their health after a rough street fight, though.

3 Worldwide Market Village

Real Location: International Market Place

Kasuga standing in the worldwide market village

Malls might be on the out thanks to internet shopping, but there are still a few notable ones within the United States. Hawaii's International Market Place is one of them. Infinite Wealth acknowledges this with its own interpretation of the shopping center, the Worldwide Market Village.

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth - 7 Best Poundmates

When it comes to the Poundmates that can be summoned in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, no one is more useful than these individuals.

Despite the name change, they are aesthetically similar, including the plethora of large trees in the open-air mall. International Market Place opened in 1956 and remains open to this day, only closing for a few years for major renovations about ten years ago.

4 88tees

A Real Clothing Store

Kasuga standing outside the 88tees store

Players can change costumes in Infinite Wealth, but it is mostly regulated by the job system. One should not come into this game expecting clothing options like in Grand Theft Auto. Still, that did not stop the developers from including real clothing stores in the game.

88tees is a real store in Hawaii for more casual clothes. The interesting thing about this store's inclusion is that just one of them exists, so it is not like some huge chain with a bunch of stores and clout. This goes to show the dedication that went into recreating Hawaii and including some of the finer details.

5 Bridge To Anaconda Shopping Center

Real Location: Ala Moana Boulevard Bridge

Kasuga standing by a canal, looking at a bridge

There is a bridge that connects the two parts of Honolulu that players will often cross. They first go through it on their way to the Anaconda Shopping Center. It is on this same bridge where they meet the director and initiate the stuntman substory.

There is also a moment on this bridge where Kasuga takes pictures with Chitose. This bridge is modeled to look and feel exactly like the Ala Moana Boulevard Bridge. The bridge probably is not quite as exciting in real life...

The bridge is not given a name in the game. Players can tell it is the same bridge as Ala Moana since they both lead to the shopping center in real life and Infinite Wealth .

6 Anaconda Shopping Center

Real Location: Ala Moana

Kasuga standing in the Anaconda Shopping Center

The Anaconda Shopping Center is a vital location in the 2024 JRPG. Players first run into Sujimon here and constantly revisit it to stock up on items and sell precious goods. Players may visit it more than they will visit a real mall in real life!

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For players who've wrapped up Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth and are craving similar gaming experiences, look no further than these similar games.

Speaking of real life, the Anaconda Shopping Center is based on the Ala Moana Shopping Center. Unlike the International Market Place, Ala Moana has a more refined, sleek look to it. Of course, the real Ala Moana does not have an underground replica for the ultra-rich to buy fake designer clothing lines.

7 Unnamed Palace

Real Location: Iolani Palace

Kasuga standing in ioani Palace

In Honolulu, Iolani Palace is a historical site. It was built in 1879 as a house of royalty and then was used as a headquarters for the future governments after the monarchy ended before becoming a museum in the 1970s. It has also been used in television shows like Hawaii Five-0.

The location exists in Infinite Wealth but it does not have a prominent function in the story. If anyone is disappointed by this, they should never ignore the fact that a sequel or a DLC could revisit Hawaii.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

PS5 , PS4 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , PC
January 26, 2024
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio