Virtue is a currency in Like a Dragon: Ishin more important than money. Ryoma will earn virtue points in several ways. There is no surefire way to farm it, like grinding in an RPG, but Ryoma can increase the amount he gains by completing tasks in his adventures, albeit with some upgrades.

RELATED: Like A Dragon: Ishin - Talkin' Tosa Substory AnswersVirtue is a currency that can be traded with the Shinto Priest for blessings in Like a Dragon: Ishin. These blessings function as bonuses and buffs. They improve everything in Ryoma's life, from running with more stamina or bettering his second home in the Another Life minigames. The Shinto priest is located at the Temple Shrines at several points in Like a Dragon's map.

Virtue Cultivation

Like a Dragon Ishin Virtue Cultivation levels

Before thinking about raising Ryoma's virtue points, the first thing players should do is purchase Virtue Cultivation at the Temple Shrine. This will increase the points earned from all tasks, substories, and quests in Like a Dragon: Ishin. Five levels can be purchased to increase Ryoma's earnings:

  • Virtue Cultivation Level 1 - 1500 Virtue points.
  • Virtue Cultivation Level 2- 3000 Virtue points.
  • Virtue Cultivation Level 3 - 6000 Virtue Points.
  • Virtue Cultivation Level 4 - 9000 Virtue Points.
  • Virtue Cultivation Level 5 - 12000 Virtue Points.

Start trading points for the upgrades as soon as possible for bonuses, and Ryoma's virtue currency will increase much faster. Ryoma will quickly earn the required points for the above upgrades by completing the main quest and substories.

Follow The Diligence Records

Like a Dragon Ishin Diligence Record

With the purchased Virtue Cultivation upgrades, the player can use the Diligence Record as a guide. The sheer amount of tasks on the list can appear overwhelming at first. Still, Ryoma will complete many of these by performing regular tasks like talking to people in town, beating up bad guys, training at dojos, and praying at shrines and Jizo statues.

Some of the more attainable tasks for players to try can be:

  • Garrulous Goshi - talk to 100 people for 2000 Virtue Points
  • Ramblin' Ronin - talk to people and animals for 4000 Virtue Points
  • Ninja of Jinja - pray at 20 Jizo statues and shrines for 1000 Virtue Points
  • Gobbler - eat food from Ryoma's inventory 30 times for 1500 Virtue Points
  • Uplifted - use fast travel with the Palanquins 5 times for 1500 Virtue Points
  • Runner's Stitch - sprint 5km for 2000 Virtue Points

Players will be surprised at how quickly Virtue points can be earned. For example, Ryoma will get into hundreds of fights with enemies that harass him on the streets. He'll gain virtue for defeating them every time in Like a Dragon: Ishin and will get rewarded up to 10,000 points for defeating 500 enemies. Following Ryoma's Diligence Records and unlocking all of the Virtue Cultivationupgrades is the fastest and sure way to farm Virtue Points. However, even if players aren't following it, they will gain points for almost everything they do in Like a Dragon: Ishin.

Like a Dragon: Ishin is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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