In accordance with the setting, Like A Dragon: Ishin mostly subsists on its samurai swordplay, but it also has options to mix it up. Among these methods are Trooper Cards. These are collectibles based on past Yakuza characters and even a few celebrities. Each comes with a special ability.

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Said abilities can augment gameplay in shocking ways. Legendary cards, in particular, can make protagonist Ryoma into a god, transforming the entire battlefield into No Man's Land. It may not be authentic, but it sure is entertaining. The same can be said for many things in Like A Dragon: Ishin, so the cards couldn't be more appropriate.

7 Cohh Carnage

Cohh Carnage Trooper Card in Like a Dragon: Ishin

Since Twitch is a social platform, it's ironic that streamer Cohh Carnage's Trooper Card focuses on one adversary. He comes with Essence of Warfare, which is a barrage of fireballs. Any of these is damaging in itself, but not much more than regular melee attacks.

That's why players should reserve it for single enemies and bosses. When all projectiles hit them, it demolishes their health. Plus, the rapid-fire rate means the target can't dodge or respond in any way. Yeah, it's a cheap way to keep someone down, but players will be glad for that with some of the titans Ryoma faces.

6 Ryudo Rikiya

Essence of Explosive Impact in Like a Dragon: Ishin

One of many crowd-control abilities, this is easily the best. Rikiya's card activates Essence of Explosive Impact. It surrounds Ryoma in a flaming shockwave, blasting enemies to the edge of the arena and dealing massive damage along the way.

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This fulfills two vital functions. The first is the obvious impact on enemy health. The second is that it gives Ryoma plenty of room to maneuver after the attack lands. After all, it takes time for foes to get up and regain the ground they lost. These factors make the card a great option for when thugs decide to dogpile.

5 Tamura Seizo

Essence of Lightning's Spear in Like a Dragon: Ishin

Here's a different crowd-control move, yet no less effective. Calling on Seizo leads to Essence of Lightning's Spear. Ryoma unleashes a bolt of electricity. After striking one enemy, it quickly chains to others, eventually engulfing the whole mob in lightning. That would be good enough on its own.

However, the attack also causes them to fall to the ground in stunned shock. This provides several seconds to finish off the remainders with normal strikes. In short, the Trooper Card acts as a taser on a grand scale. As such, those on the receiving end are completely pacified.

4 Tendo Yokiro

Essence of Unyielding Wave in Like a Dragon: Ishin

Ryoma can already blast the ground, but with Essence of the Unyielding Wave, he fires a colossal energy beam and moves it from side to side like a deadly spray. This clears out every enemy in from of him. It's a sight to behold.

Fans have already pointed out its similarity to the Kamehameha Wave from Dragon Ball, and that comparison couldn't be more appropriate. It's a truly devastating attack, capable of two or three damaging blows to anyone caught in the blast radius. That shape makes it ideal for hallways or city streets. Ishin has plenty such areas, and they all serve to funnel foes to their deaths.

3 Ishioda Denji

Essence of Dimensional Blade in Like a Dragon: Ishin

This Trooper ability is similar to Explosive Impact in that it creates a circle of damage around Ryoma. What makes Essence of Dimensional Blade different is the type of damage. The samurai strikes out with his sword, slashing his foes in a wide arc.

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Aside from getting mobs off his back, this technique has another advantage: direct damage. Enemies can block many melee attacks, but not this one. As long as they're in range, they will feel the steel of Ryoma's blade. Considering how guard-happy Yakuza mooks can be at times, this bypass is a godsend.

2 Nagaoka Nyudo

Trooper Cards in Like a Dragon: Ishin

Nyudo's Trooper move isn't as flashy as others, but it's arguably more useful. Activating it yields the ability known as "Top Aide." This charges the other Trooper Card gauges by a significant amount, enabling players to use them again sooner.

The result is a skill which is invaluable on a regular basis and game-breaking with the right deck. If players have a batch of highly-damaging Trooper Cards, they can use them in quick succession. After that, they simply call on Top Aide to replenish the meters and activate those attacks all over again. No foe can stand before such a cataclysmic tactic.

1 Nyatasha Nyanners

Nyatasha Nyanners in Like a Dragon: Ishin

The second Twitch Trooper Card essentially turns Ryoma into a leech. That's not as bad as it sounds, though. Essence of Conquering supposedly charms enemies when, in reality, it drains their health. Said health then flows into Ryoma.

While not a complete reversal, this move is still enough to turn the tables. It makes a convenient safety net when fighting tough brutes or bosses, once again providing the best of both worlds. It staves off Ryoma's demise while bringing enemies one step closer to their own.

Like a Dragon: Ishin is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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