
  • Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth uses the power of friendship to help Kiryu overcome his past and find closure.
  • Makoto Date plays a crucial role in reconnecting Kiryu with his past through Life Links, showcasing the impact he's had.
  • The emotional bond between Date and Kiryu in Infinite Wealth highlights the importance of friendship and self-worth.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth's core strength, much like its predecessor, is in its portrayal of friendship. It's what connects Ichiban and his party despite their varying backgrounds and circumstances, and it's what teaches the importance of vulnerability for series legend Kiryu, who must learn what it means to want to live again in the wake of sickness, loneliness, and stoicism. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth gives Kiryu the shoulders he desperately needs to lean on, from Nanba and Saeko to Seonhee and Zhao, while reigniting the spark of his former self through a reflection of his journey. One way this is effectively done is through his episodic Life Links, showing that the past can bring a reminder of both troubled times and the people that made life worth living.

The "power of bonds" trope is used quite often throughout RPGs to show a way to overcome the odds through a unifying strength. This ability to lean on others is seen as a virtue, though for Kiryu, it's a bit more complicated than that. Having taken on the mantle of a dead man in the shadows, his years in the Daidoji were ones cemented in hardship, with little to rely on aside from his handler, Hanawa, and his own mental fortitude. As a way to preserve the safety of those around him, he sacrificed his tether to past connections at the expense of himself, a decision justified by the losses he faced as the Dragon of Dojima. With Kiryu focusing more on the destruction he's caused rather than the good he's shown the world, the reminder of his impact is left in the hands of Makoto Date, who's determined to show Kiryu the truth.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - All Memoirs Of a Dragon Locations

While playing as Kiryu, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth players will have to find over 70 Memoirs of a Dragon.

Makoto Date's Role in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Despite knowing the danger he's putting himself in by going against the Daidoji, Date's conviction to show Kiryu the merits of his past is of the utmost importance. These Life Links see Date organize covert meet-ups to give Kiryu some closure, putting him in proximity to past faces like Stardust club owners Yuya and Kazuki, Morning Glory orphan Taichi, and old flame Kaoru Sayama, to hear the impact that Kiryu's had on their lives and how his legacy resonates even years after his death was faked. Sayama, for example, focuses on upholding his memory by working in the Juvenile division to keep youth from joining the Yakuza after the Dissolution, staying "married to her work" as Date puts it; others, like Akiyama, figure out the truth of the situation, reacting with both frustration and sadness.

The characters featured in these Life Links share a common trait in the strength of their bonds with Kiryu, evident in the way they speak about him. Kiryu jokes that it's a bit like listening in on his own funeral, as the Life Links put him both near and far to the loved ones of his past. Still, this is more than enough for him, as he thanks Date for his efforts. When it comes to the final Life Link, however, Date suggests that Kiryu finally see Haruka, his daughter figure and reason for staying alive after the loss of Yumi and Nishiki, to give him true closure. Kiryu refrains from going through with it, though the Daidoji see fit to dole out punishment against Date for having defied their orders, leaving him battered and bruised.

A Friend in a Time of Need

Date, who was willing to give up his life for Kiryu to see Haruka and Haruto again, remains true to his convictions. While each Life Link episode may have been focused on a different character from Kiryu's past, Date served as the underlying thread making it happen, doing so not just as a "bucket list," but as a way to remind Kiryu that there are reasons to fight through his cancer. His goal to help push Kiryu past his apathy is done with care and understanding, showing him the importance of the life he's made and the people he's impacted, even through all of his hardships. In a way, he's just as stubborn as Kiryu is, showing the lengths he's willing to go to make his friend realize his self-worth.

This is exemplified when Date calls Kiryu his best friend, which he humorously tries downplaying later as the two share a drink. The comedic moment is cut by an emotional response from Kiryu, who asks that Date not take it back, as the gesture meant a lot to him. It's a small yet powerful use of dialogue that highlights the two's own bond, showing the strength of Date's character and a brief moment of vulnerability from Kiryu that's hard to come by. As Infinite Wealth's Life Links reinforce the purpose of life, so too does it take the power of friendship trope to the next level.