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The turn-based combat system used in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is a vastly improved version of a similar system used in the predecessor, Yakuza: Like a Dragon. But even fans who spent a long time with the previous title and got used to its combat system, which integrates the environment and positioning, may find themselves unable to get better at combat in Infinite Wealth.

Infinite Wealth: 6 Things The Sequel Does Better Than Yakuza: Like A Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon took the series in a new direction with its turn-based combat, and now, Infinite Wealth has improved upon those many changes.

Because you can move party members into better positions in Infinite Wealth, and because of the changes to status effects, area effects, and party synergies, approaching combat in Infinite Wealth is much more strategic than before. This guide goes over some pro combat tips that even the series' most dedicated fans could follow to improve in Infinite Wealth.

Use Knockback To Trigger Party Synergies, Not Knock Opponents Away

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Pro Combat Tips Knockback Party Member Follow Up

Some abilities and basic attacks in Infinite Wealth will knock their targets backward, or will otherwise launch an enemy in a direction. This is signified in the ability description, as well as by a blue line projecting outward from your target in the direction they will fly.

The simplest way to take advantage of this is to launch an enemy into other enemies, dealing damage to them and often knocking them down too. However, it's actually more effective to knock an enemy target into one of your allies. This triggers a follow-up attack from the first ally the enemy gets knocked into.

But the main benefit of doing this is to keep enemies close to the party. Back attacks, proximity attacks, and positioning can play a major part in your ability to get succeed in combat – if you knock enemies far away, you might not be able to get into a position where you can do one of these more powerful moves.

Use Kiryu's Dragon of Dojima Abilities To Their Fullest

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Pro Combat Tips Dragon of Dojima Styles Kiryu

Kiryu will join the party in Chapter 3, when Ichiban goes to Hawaii for the first time as part of the main story. He comes with the pre-unlocked Dragon of Dojima job, which offers a twist on the Like a Dragon turn-based combat.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Personality Traits & Bonuses Explained

In Infinite Wealth, the Personality system represents six traits of Kasuga's personality: Kindness, Style, Passion, Intellect, Confidence, & Charisma.

Kiryu can swap between three different combat stances on demand, which will let him strike twice per turn, trigger Heat actions, and Guard Break targets with basic attacks. Not every situation will call for the same attack, though.

  • Use Light attacks when two enemies are low on HP, or when one enemy is low on HP and on the ground.
  • Use Normal attacks most of the time, but especially when you are near objects in the environment, which can trigger Heat attacks for Kiryu
  • Use Heavy attacks against enemies who are Guarding to break their Guard and let your party members get hits in

It's important to note that Kiryu gets an additional bonus to his basic attacks when he has a Proximity Bonus. By standing close to his target when he begins an attack, button prompts for each of the Light, Normal, and Heavy stances will appear during their respective basic attacks. Be sure to trigger this bonus as often as possible by positioning Kiryu close to enemies before starting an attack.

It is worth noting that Kiryu's special attacks don't benefit from his stances or proximity bonuses, but can still be useful for dealing damage to multiple enemies at once (like with Essence of Dagger).

Improve Your Bonds To Unlock More Powerful Abilities, Like Tag Team Powers

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Pro Combat Tips Improve Bonds Bond Tag Team Ability

Arguably the most important thing one can do to improve their party members' prowess in combat is to unlock their Tag Team powers as soon as possible. Tag Team abilities don't remove an ally out of combat and replace them with another – they see two party members team up to perform an extra-strong duo attack.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - How to Cook

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth players will have to progress through the story to unlock cooking.

For the vast majority of these Tag Team powers, Ichiban must improve his Bond with his party members before being able to use them. This can take a long time, but these abilities don't require MP, making them extremely useful in tight corners. They are on a cooldown of their own so they can't be spammed over and over again in combat.

Take Time To Set Up Attacks – And Start Combat With An Advantage

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Pro Combat Tips Positioning Advantage Movement

New to Infinite Wealth is the ability to move party members during combat to position them in synergistic ways. In Yakuza: Like a Dragon, allies could perform follow-up attacks, but it was much more difficult to set up your party members to be in the right position to take advantage of this system. In Infinite Wealth, positioning is everything – and the game facilitates strategic combat much better.

Some attacks launch enemies forwards, and if they hit an ally, that party member will add an attack of their own for free. Some deal damage in an area to multiple enemies, or in a line, but enemies can wander during battle. But knocking enemies away or performing an AoE attack means little if you don't take advantage of positioning.

Take some time to move around enemies and watch that blue arrow to see if you can hit another enemy or trigger a follow-up attack with knockback. For AoE skills, it's not a bad idea to wait until enemies wander around and get into the area of effect.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - All Substories

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth has a total of 52 substories. Here is how players can complete all of them.

You can also start combat with an advantage if you are careful. In Infinite Wealth enemies won't start fights until you get really close to them or spend a long time in their field of vision. Party members follow relatively slowly behind Ichiban, though. So before combat even begins, run around to an enemy's other side, trigger the combat, to flank them with Ichiban.

Always Have An Elemental Job In The Party, And A Guard Breaker

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Pro Combat Tips Elemental Damage

Having variety in your party is everything in JRPGs and other party and job-based RPGs. Infinite Wealth is no different, as players will need to take advantage of the game's systems to get better at combat. Having a party comprised of nothing but melee weapons-based attackers is a surefire way to get stuck on a boss resistant to Blades and Blunt damage.

As soon as you unlock Alo-Happy Tours and the ability to change party member jobs, be sure to add some kind of elemental Job to your party. Geodancers, Pyrodancers, Housekeepers, Aquanauts, and plenty of other Jobs have access to Magic attacks and abilities that deal elemental damage – be sure to unlock these Jobs, and swap one of your party members to them, to always have something enemies are Weak to on-hand.

Another important thing to have present in a party composition is a regular Guard Break ability. The easiest way to guarantee this is to have Kiryu in the party, as the Dragon of Dojima Beast (Heavy) Stance gives him a Guard Break that costs no MP. But if Kiryu isn't in the party, or if you change Kiryu's Job, just be sure to have at least one party member who can break enemies' Guard.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

PS5 , PS4 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , PC
January 26, 2024
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
M For Mature 17+ Due To Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Simulated Gambling, Strong Language