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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth's Dondoko Island is filled with all sorts of fun activities. Players can destroy junk piles, catch rare fish and bugs, or beat Washbucklers. It is safe to say that there is something for everyone. There are several objectives on Dondoko Island, which players must fulfill to claim several trophies.

After completing a certain set of goals, the resort ranking will go up, and it will allow you to bring guests to the island. Once they arrive, players will have to assign them proper lodging. But that's not the end of it. You have to make sure to earn their approval. In this guide, players can learn how to increase guest approval in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - How To Upgrade Weapons On Dondoko Island

Players' progress on Dondoko Island depends on the bat, harpoon, and bug net. So, it is important to upgrade them at all costs.

How To Increase Guest Approval In Infinite Wealth

There are several things that you need to keep in mind while accommodating new guests to your lodgings. When you start placing guests, the first thing that you should pay attention to is their needs. Each guest has a different demand. The more money they bring in, the higher demands they have. So, it is better to start with guests whose requirements are easy to meet.

Keep An Eye On Their Required Themes

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - How To Raise Guest Approval Rating

When you go to the DIY desk, you will see that some pieces of furniture have a particular theme. The guests that visit Dondoko Island may be fond of one theme, so you have to make sure to craft enough items that belong to a certain theme. If you don't, the guests will be much tougher to please, and you won't get their patronage.

Having The Required Lodging Is Crucial

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - How To Raise Guest Approval Rating Dondoko Island

The guests visiting Dondoko Island will request a certain level of lodging. While you can ignore their demands, their approval level won't go up that easily. So, it is better to try and meet the lodging requirement. If someone asks for a D rank and you give them a C rank or above, they will earn extra satisfaction.

Keep Your Satisfaction Levels High

Each guest will demand a level of satisfaction. To avoid any problems, it is better to keep your satisfaction level as high as possible. You can avoid all problems related to it by crafting new DIYs every day.

Give Them Gifts Daily

Every day, players can gift the guests different items to increase their approval. If you check the guests' prerequisites, you will see that they are interested in the different flora and fauna of the island. If you gift them a particular item, their approval will go up significantly. By following all these steps, players will have no problem raising guest approval in Infinite Wealth.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

PS5 , PS4 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , PC
January 26, 2024
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio