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The explorable city maps of just about every game in the Like a Dragon series are huge, even in earlier entries when Kiryu was the main protagonist. In Yakuza: Like a Dragon, the possible map sizes, and graphical capabilities, were really pushed to their limits. To help counteract this, a nifty system for Fast Travelling around is available, one that doesn't break immersion with the rest of the game.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth – How to Unlock All Jobs (& How to Change Jobs)

There are nearly 30 different jobs in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth for players to unlock, but some Jobs are exclusive to specific characters.

By taking a Taxi, players could quickly travel to set locations throughout each city map (and between them). The location you wanted to go to had to be discovered already, though, meaning players had to run around collecting Taxi stops to effectively fast travel. In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, a similar system returns – with some significant quality-of-life improvements.

How To Fast Travel in Infinite Wealth

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Fast Travel Parked Taxi Travel Map

Approach A Parked Taxi The Old Fashioned Way...

Just like in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Ichiban and the gang will see parked Taxis on the streets of the various cities they can visit in Infinite Wealth. These taxis will always be found in the same places throughout each city map, and each of these spots also serves as a possible destination to fast travel to.

After walking up to a taxi (on the passenger side), interact with the door, and a dialogue will pop up to confirm that you want to take the taxi and pay its fare. A map of the city will open up, and from there you can select from any of the available taxi stops in your current city. Eventually, you can also travel to other cities via the Taxi (if they can be reached by car).

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - How to Change Outfits

Players who want to change the clothes of their party members in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth can learn how that is done here.

This is the old way of fast traveling in Like a Dragon, and though it still works in Infinite Wealth, there's actually a much simpler and faster way to travel, now.

...Or, Open Your Map And Select A Location Directly

The fastest way to fast travel Infinite Wealth offers is to simply open up the map and select a destination directly. Instead of having to go through the hassle of running through the streets to find a taxi, possibly running into enemies along the way, this lets players just go directly to any taxi cab stop available.

Open up the map, scroll your cursor over a taxi stop, and press the associated input to fast travel to that location. A popup dialogue box will appear and confirm that you want to pay the fare, and after confirming and going through a loading screen, Ichiban and the gang will appear at the selected taxi stop.

There are a few restrictions to this. You can't call a taxi while inside a dungeon, or other locked-in instance where saving is not allowed (like Chapter 1's Seiryu Clan building). Additionally, it appears that it's more expensive to order a taxi from a random location on the street rather than go find one yourself. To call a cab in Yokohama, for example, it costs 1100 yen, while going up to a parked cab costs 500 yen. Ultimately, the convenience is worth the cost.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

PS5 , PS4 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , PC
January 26, 2024
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio