
  • Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth features amazing boss fights that are both visually spectacular and challenging, keeping players engaged throughout.
  • Bosses like Narasaki, Sawashiro, and Wong Tou offer unique fighting styles and strategic gameplay, making them memorable and exciting to battle.
  • The game includes non-human bosses like the Giant Shark, adding a new level of spectacle and difficulty to the encounters, making them stand out in the series.

The Like A Dragon and Yakuza games have always been renowned for featuring some outstanding boss fights, many of them being a visual spectacle to watch in action while also presenting a good enough challenge to keep the player engaged throughout the entire fight. The good news is, that Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth is upholding this tradition with its plethora of amazing boss enemies that Ichiban and the gang will come up against during their adventure, some of which may just be some of the best bosses in the Like A Dragon series have seen to date.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Beginner Tips

These beginner tips can help players save a lot of time in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Whether it's because of their unique fighting style, their relationship with the party members, or simply just how much fun they are to take on, these bosses are among the most memorable and exciting enemies from Infinite Wealth who are a joy to duke it out with. Here are the very best bosses from Infinite Wealth that players can look forward to encountering in a playthrough.

7 Narasaki

Narasaki's Mad Antics And Exaggerated Fighting Style Make Him A Fun Boss To Take On

Narasaki wielding a Gatling gun

The moment Narasaki shows up on the screen to initiate his battle, he reminds Kiryu and the others why he's so feared by not only his enemies but even his own men, as he grabs out a minigun and starts firing around the room randomly, killing some of his servants in the process. Naraski commands such influence and authority that he doesn't even start off the fight himself, and instead, sends his goons to do the dirty work for a while.

While the Siryu Clan Members aren't too difficult to take down, things become much more tricky when Narasaki himself decides to unleash his gigantic katana in the hopes of cutting Kiryu into ribbons. Because he still keeps a few of his men around him for backup, it opens up a lot of fun attack opportunities in this fight where the enemies can be launched into one another to deal damage, but Narasaki himself is still extremely durable and very tough to take down individually.

6 Sawashiro

Sawashiro Requires A Good Amount Of Strategy And Patience To Overcome

Sawashiro hitting Kiryu with a crowbar

Fans of Yakuza: Like a Dragon will remember Sawashiro as a very brutal early-game boss, and while he's a little more manageable this time around, he will still severely punish the player if they make a mistake during the battle. Sawashiro wields a deadly cane which he can use to deal massive amounts of damage, and even to inflict debuffs, which can result in a pretty challenging fight overall.

Infinite Wealth: 6 Things The Sequel Does Better Than Yakuza: Like A Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon took the series in a new direction with its turn-based combat, and now, Infinite Wealth has improved upon those many changes.

Despite having a handful of allies to help him, Sawashiro is so incredibly defensive that it's essentially just him taking on the entire party by himself, but he definitely shouldn't be underestimated, especially when he decides to ditch his cane and power up his abilities. Once Sawashiro starts charging up, players should aim for as many back attacks as possible to try and rack up as much damage as they can, but it can also be a good idea to pull out a few buffs too in order to prepare for the oncoming barrage of attacks.

5 Wong Tou

Fighting Wong Tou Head-On Won't Work, So Players Will Need To Get Creative With Their Attacks To Defeat Him

Ichiban and Kiryu kicking Wong Tou

Wong Tou proves to Kiryu and Ichiban that he's more than just a simple thug when he first runs into them, showing that he's capable of evading and blocking every one of their attacks with ease, even when they're both striking him at the same time. What makes Wong Tou such a fun boss is that he carries this hit-and-run fighting style into his battle where he will quickly dash between each character, striking them down as he goes, while also avoiding nearly every attack thrown his way.

This encourages players to get creative with their attacks, whether it's through utilizing their environment to deal some extra damage from behind, or even using special abilities that can help slow him down or lower his defenses. Patience and careful planning are key to winning this intense bout, and it's definitely a standout from the game because of how strategic it is as a fight.

4 Giant Shark

Fighting A Giant Bloodthirsty Shark On The Edge Of A Boat Is Quite The Spectacle

Giant shark boss in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Not all the bosses in these games need to be human. After all, Ichiban was going toe-to-toe with a giant crane in the last game, but Infinite Wealth takes this to a whole new level with its Giant Shark boss enemy. This behemoth launches itself onto the boat that Ichiban and the others are residing on, resulting in a wacky, hilarious, and ultimately very difficult boss fight due to how lethal the shark's bite attacks can be.

While the shark is an absolute powerhouse in terms of physical damage and defense, it also has a few other abilities up its sleeve that it will unleash later in the battle, such as Selachian Shriek for example, which has a chance to inflict Sadness on every party member. The sheer spectacle of this fight instantly makes it a highlight, but the fact that it's also so challenging goes a long way in making it very memorable for those who manage to beat it.

3 Yamai (Fourth Fight)

Yamai's Carefree Attitude Results In A Hilarious Boss Battle Which Is Also Pretty Challenging

Yamai with two women sitting next to him

Ichiban actually faces off against the intimidating Yamai several times throughout the game, but without a doubt, the most entertaining of them all is his second fight, which takes place in El Dorado club. After begrudgingly accepting to participate in the battle, Yamai puts up one hell of a fight, slashing his crowbar at his enemies without a care in the world.

Like A Dragon: All Playable Characters In The Yakuza Series, Ranked

The Like a Dragon series has been home to plenty of memorable characters for players to step into the shoes of.

As the fight goes on though, and Yamai starts becoming a little worn down, his lady friends push him back into the battle, giving him a sip of alcohol to try and raise his spirits. Needless to say, this hilarious scene powers up his attacks and grants him a few new abilities which can be extremely dangerous if he manages to land them, especially Keelhauler, which can instantly KO a character if they're not at maximum health.

2 Dwight (Third Fight)

Dwight's Boss Fight Is A Chaotic Encounter Where Anything And Everything Can Happen

Dwight waving machetes as Ichiban

The "Barracuda Kingpin" himself, Dwight Mendez, is a menacing crime boss who can always be seen carrying around a sharp blade that he isn't shy about using when the situation calls for it. While Dwight already has some incredibly powerful attacks of his own, especially when he activates his power-up Death Wish ability, he also has a few of his fellow Barracuda to help him out in the fight, which results in the battle becoming a massive and chaotic brawl.

That's not all though, since the shark will actually return for this fight as it slowly circles the arena before jumping out to snack on anyone who gets too close to the edge. Considering that a prompt will pop up to warn when the shark is getting close, it adds an extra layer of strategy to the encounter which makes it a ton of fun to experiment with the battle mechanics, and the QTE cutscene that plays out at the mid-point of the fight has to be one of the craziest in the history of the series.

1 Majima, Dojima & Saejima

Kiryu Facing Off Against His Three Friends Is An Emotional Encounter That Will Strike At The Heart Of Longtime Fans

Majima, Dojima and Saejima

Kiryu's intense encounter with his three former friends manages to be funny, emotional, and brutally difficult all at the same time, and it makes for one of, if not the most memorable boss fights in the series. Despite going up against their friend, Majima, Dojima, and Saejima hold nothing back, utilizing the fighting styles and techniques that they have been seen using before in their respective games. Because every character included in this fight is capable of dealing a staggering amount of damage with a single attack, it makes every turn incredibly intense and is very reminiscent of the grandiose boss battles seen in classic RPG titles because of how high-stakes it feels.

There are also a few very impactful scenes sprinkled throughout the fight which are a joy to watch, especially when Majima, Dojima, and Saeijima each try to attack Kiryu while he's down, only for his new allies to come to his rescue, which is quite the emotional sequence for longtime fan of the older games. This is a boss fight that just never gets old, and while it can be tricky to overcome, it makes perfect sense why this is the case considering who the opponents are.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

PS5 , PS4 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , PC
January 26, 2024
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio