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  • In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, each character can equip one piece of head, body, and foot gear, as well as two accessories.
  • Some armor pieces, like the Wind Sneakers and Classy Hat, provide stat boosts such as increased speed and critical rate.
  • Players can find rare armor, like the Metal Shin Guards and Nouveau Riche Crown, which offer high defensive stats and bonus effects.

As is standard for most turn-based RPGs, the heroes in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth can equip various pieces of armor. Each character can equip one piece of head, body, and foot gear. For example, a hat is good for the head, a shirt can be equipped to the body, and shoes will work well on the feet.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Beginner Tips

These beginner tips can help players save a lot of time in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Plus, each character can equip two accessories at a time, and most pieces of armor are not exclusive to Jobs or characters. Men like Ichiban can even wear dresses as armor in the game, which is progressive for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth even though clothing doesn’t show during combat. So, for the early hours, let’s equip some boss gear on our heroes.

8 Wind Sneakers

18 Defense/15 Magic Defense/10 Speed

Wind Sneakers armor in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth
  • Location: Fiddler Brand

The Wind Sneakers have no special properties associated with them. However, unlike a lot of early armor pieces, these shoes will give players the benefit of increasing three stats. It’s always good to have defensive capabilities but increasing stats like speed will ensure characters get to go ahead of enemies which is the same for many turn-based RPGs.

What’s more, these shoes can be bought around town like at the Fiddler Brand store. While players wait for something better with increased buffs, the Wind Sneakers will do just fine.

7 Classy Hat

18 Defense/14 Magic Defense

Classy Hat armor in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth
  • Location: Purple Dolphins

The Classy Hat is a good, general hat that will provide good defense on both sides. It can be bought at the Purple Dolphins shop as one example. The best part about this piece of armor is that it can increase the critical rate of attacks by 10%. This effect will stack too, so if players have some sort of innate ability to get critical hits, the Classy Hat’s effects will go into it.

Some of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth’s Jobs will have built-in effects as well, so players can really create a critical darling if they play their cards right.

6 Longcoat

19 Defense/16 Magic Defense

Longcoat armor in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth
  • Location: Purple Dolphins

The Longcoat is a piece of body armor that can be purchased at the Purple Dolphins shop. Its defensive capabilities are not much higher than the Classy Hat’s but it does have a different buff attached to it. Characters that wear this will gain an elemental defense against ice-based attacks.

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth – Best Early-Game Items To Stock Up On

When beginning your journey in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, be sure to keep a reliable supply of these items in your inventory.

For this game, ice and water are the same thing, symbolized by a droplet of water. That’s fine as it cuts down on things players have to remember, which is important in an RPG with many mechanics.

5 Metal Shin Guards

21 Defense/17 Magic Defense

Metal Shin Guards armor in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth
  • Location: Random Drop

The Metal Shin Guards cannot be bought at any shop initially, so players have to get lucky to find this foot-based armor. Like many non-shop items in the game, it can either be scored from enemies or in the roguelike-inspired labyrinth dungeon that unlocks about a third of the way through the game.

If players do get a pair, the Metal Shin Guards are a great piece of foot armor with high stats. It will also decrease damage taken from blunt-force trauma which is symbolized by a fist. This includes barehanded attacks as well as weapons like bats and crowbars.

4 Hellish Cape

18 Defense/15 Magic Defense

Hellish Cape armor in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth
  • Location: Random Drop

The Hellish Cape looks like it was made to turn one of the party members into a vampire. It has lower stats than some of the other best body-based armors in Infinite Wealth, but its buff will help greatly on the defensive side. Wearing this will increase evasion rates at the start of a character’s turn.

If enemies cannot touch heroes, then there is no need to worry about other defensive stats. It’s not an automatic booster, so luck will be involved, but it’s still a good piece of armor to find randomly.

3 Wetsuit

18 Defense/15 Magic Defense

Wetsuit armor in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth
  • Location: No Surf Life

The Wetsuit may seem like it is an exclusive for the Aquanaut Job in the game, but it isn’t. This tight-knit piece of body armor can be purchased at a surfer-themed shop called No Surf Life. It’s another example of a piece of armor that has a better buff element compared to its stats.

Infinite Wealth: 6 Things The Sequel Does Better Than Yakuza: Like A Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon took the series in a new direction with its turn-based combat, and now, Infinite Wealth has improved upon those many changes.

The Wetsuit has a chance to protect characters from all status effects, and the game has plenty of these types of attacks that go beyond typical RPG tropes like Poison and Paralysis. Equipping the whole four-party team with Wetsuits in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, especially against a debuff-heavy boss, is a good idea.

2 Pink Ribbon

14 Defense/12 Magic Defense

Pink Ribbon armor in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth
  • Location: White Shore Boutique

The Pink Ribbon, as weird as it may be for some, can be equipped to all heroes. It’s too bad that armor isn’t reflected in the game once equipped because it would be memorable to see a badass like Kazuma sporting a big pink ribbon and not giving a hoot.

The armor can be purchased at the White Shore Boutique and it is fairly cheap. The stats are average but the cool thing about it is that it can increase MP by five. That’s not a huge amount, but every little bit helps in the heat of battle.

1 Nouveau Riche Crown

21 Defense/17 Magic Defense

Nouveau Riche Crown armor in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth
  • Location: Random Drop

The Nouveau Riche Crown is an incredibly rare piece of headgear to find, and the best chance may be through rescuing NPCs from that aforementioned labyrinth. It has good stats all around for an early helmet, but the booster effect is even better. It can increase how much cash players rake in which will help with acquiring so much in the game.

It’s hard to rack up a high bank account at the start of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, meaning that players have to fight a lot of enemies and sell loot too. It can be a grind, but that’s why the Nouveau Riche Crown is great, and the effect will stack if equipped with multiple characters.