
  • Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth reveals that the beloved character Kiryu has been diagnosed with cancer, adding a heartbreaking and dramatic element to the series.
  • Kiryu's unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as heavy smoking and drinking, along with his exposure to dangerous environments, may have contributed to his illness.
  • Kiryu's battle against cancer will be his toughest yet, as he ignores his doctors' advice and focuses on making the most of his remaining time, highlighting the character's resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

Like a Dragon Gaiden serves as an interquel, filling players in on what Kazuma Kiryu has been up to during the events of Yakuza: Like a Dragon, a game that starred the new series protagonist, Ichiban Kasuga. While Ichiban is now the face of the Like a Dragon franchise, the upcoming entry, Infinite Wealth, will feature both Ichiban and Kiryu prominently. While fans are excited to see the return of Kiryu, the story trailer revealed that his return may not be long-lived as the Dragon of Dojima has been diagnosed with cancer. Some of the content in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name may hint at the origins of Kiryu's illness.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth's story trailer shocked fans with the reveal that Kiryu is battling cancer. The reveal happens halfway through the massive 10-minute trailer which was filled with the typical mix of political intrigue and humor one might expect from the series. The proceeding content is quite dark; Kiryu is seen coughing up blood, and even the typically goofy Majima is depicted as forlorn at the situation. Kiryu states plainly that he is trying to make the best of the time he has left.

While his death isn't certain, Infinite Wealth is heavily implying itself to be Kiryu's last outing in the series.

RELATED: Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name Review

Kiryu Has Never Lived a Healthy Lifestyle

Like a Dragon Gaiden, like previous games in the franchise, depicts Kiryu as a heavy smoker and a drinker. Kiryu can often be seen smoking in moments of rest, and Like a Dragon Gaiden features smoking stands where players can take the character to enjoy a cigarette. The series has also long featured a drinking mechanic where the amount of alcohol in one's system impacts other mechanics like the heat gauge and even Kiryu's movement. Kiryu faked his death following the events of Yakuza 6 to protect his kids but is clearly depressed about doing so, so this could explain why his smoking has increased in Gaiden.

Kiryu Frequently Puts Himself In Harm's Way

On top of Kiryu's lifestyle choices and substance use, he has surely been exposed to other things that could potentially have contributed to his illness. In Like a Dragon Gaiden, Kiryu fights Nishitani in a burning building. This is one of many fights in the series that take place in buildings that are either on fire or are actively being destroyed. On top of unhealthy substance abuse, Kiryu has been exposed to environmental risk factors. Since he is seen coughing up blood, he may have lung cancer. While the origins of Kiryu's cancer might never be fully revealed, its impact on the character and his story has clear implications.

Kiryu's Battle Against Cancer Will Be His Toughest Yet

kiryu hospitalized in Infinite Wealth

Whether Kiryu has lung cancer as Gaiden and other entries indicate he may or not, his battle against cancer will be his most formidable yet. Previous games have shown he can defeat any opponent in hand-to-hand combat and that his will in the face of opposition is uncrushable, but cancer may be a battle Kiryu can't win. The trailer establishes that he is ignoring his doctors and is more concerned with how he uses the time he has left than getting more time. While this feels fitting for the character, it makes the outcome of his illness seem rather foreboding.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth's revelation that Kiryu has cancer is a fascinating writing choice that will push the boundaries of the series' storytelling. Whether or not Kiryu has lung cancer as his habits in Like a Dragon Gaiden may hint at, the illness is the biggest threat to his life that the series has ever presented. Seeing how Kiryu copes with a villain that he can't beat into submission will be as interesting as it is heartbreaking. Gaiden's story and its ending explain the importance that Hawaii holds for Kiryu, so hopefully his appearance in the title won't be all doom and gloom.