Lightyear Frontier is a farming sim set on an alien planet full of secrets. While the game is nominally a farming sim about building an idyllic farm on an uninhabited planet, the ruins of the alien civilization that lived there can add some change to the monotony of ranch life.

Lightyear Frontier is a perfect example of the cozy farming games genre, so exploring those alien ruins can sound a little out of place. In reality, exploring the structures left standing on the planet and solving the few puzzles found there are mostly stress-free activities and only consist of a minority of the time spent playing the game.

Lightyear Frontier: Best Base Locations For Camp

Building a homestead is essential for success in Lightyear Frontier, and these locations will serve players the best.

How To Unlock The Alien Structure

At the center of the game’s map, between the regions of the Mountainside Coast and Stepstone Peak regions, is an alien structure like no other. It’s not in ruins, and it does not contain alien artifacts. What’s more, this structure isn’t accessible to new players but must be unlocked, and completing its trials is necessary to progress in the game.

This map shows the position of the alien structure.

A map of Lightyear Frontier highlighting the position of the alien door

To unlock the purple door blocking the entrance of the subterranean structure, players must free every region in the world. This means removing the noxious weeds and purple slime from the territory, some of which require acquiring some mech upgrades. Every region unlocked will clear one of the seven notches on the door. Once all of them are cleared, the door will open.

How To Solve The Alien Structure Puzzle

The players’ stroll through the subterranean alien structure will be mostly a simple one, with the main puzzles involving connecting some electric plugs into their sockets. To do so, players must leave their mech and pick them up with the alternate tool action of the P.I.C.K. Axe and throw them into the sockets with the primary tool action button.

Lightyear Frontier: How to Improve Coziness

There are many ways that players can make their Lightyear Frontier home more cozy, providing them with various bonuses.

Difficulties might arise once players reach the central room of the structure. Here, the plugs must be placed according to a code that can be found on the computer monitors. The first puzzle requires placing the plugs, left to right, up-down-up-down, following this image on the monitor nearby.

A monitor showing the solution to a puzzle in Lightyear Frontier

he second puzzle is the same, except it follows the second image that will have now lightened up. This time, the plugs need to be inserted, left to right, from the center, then up, then center again, and then down. The final result should look like this picture.

The solution to a puzzle in Lightyear Frontier

What Happens After Solving The Alien Structure Puzzle

After the puzzle is over, the player will be granted a new ability: surfing. Up to this point, one of the few insurmountable obstacles in the game was water, but not anymore. This ability allows players to briefly run across bodies of water. This ability doesn’t last long, but it can be made much longer by jumping at the right time and using the mech’s rockets.

While this ability makes it harder to fall into deep water, its main use is to reach Rocket Island. This is the last unlockable territory in the game, at least in the current early access version. This island has some alien ruins but is otherwise just like any other region.

lightyear frontier
Lightyear Frontier

March 19, 2024
Frame Break , Amplifier Studios
Open-World , Adventure , Farming
Amplifier Studios , Frame Break