Lightyear Frontier is a casual adventure game with elements of farming simulation. If you're looking to establish your space farm on a beautiful planet, the game provides all the necessary tools and grants complete autonomy over your land. However, don't expect Lightyear Frontier to hold your hand through each farming step — the game encourages you to explore and discover on your own. But fret not; if you find yourself getting stuck, this guide has you covered, explaining everything you need to know about farming in Lightyear Frontier.

Lightyear Frontier: Radio Tower and Request Board Guide

Building the Radio Tower in Lightyear Frontier will allow you to take requests, helping you to earn monetary rewards from the NPC Ulf.

Farming Equipment Guide

farming equipment in lightyear frontier.

To initiate farming, you must unlock the Seed Shooter, Vacuum Harvester, and Irrigation Hose. These three tools are indispensable for acquiring seeds, planting them, watering them, and harvesting the yields. You can obtain all three weapons by pursuing the yellow smoke in the starting area.

How to Get Seeds

getting seeds in lightyear frontier.

To obtain seeds from a plant, aim the Vacuum Harvester at a flower or plant and use it to suck it in. (LT and RT on Xbox and right-click on PC.) The weapon will automatically separate the seeds from the plant, and you will get the seeds you need to grow that plant yourself. Naturally, you need to explore the entire flora of an area to obtain all the different seed types.

How to Plant Seeds

planting seeds in lightyear frontier.

To plant seeds, you must first build a Plot. From the crafting menu, go to Essentials and craft a Small Plot with four pieces of Wood and eight Fiber. Then, use the Seed Shooter on your Mech to plant cultivated seeds. Finally, water the seeds with the Irrigation Hose to initiate the growth process.

  • Build a Small Plot. (Later, you will be able to plant on any land using the Field Plow.)
  • Plant seeds in the Plot with the Seed Shooter.
  • Water the seeds with the Irrigation Hose. (After constructing a Well, you will be able to automate the watering process.)
  • Wait 2–4 days for plants to grow.

How to Harvest Plants

a small plot in lightyear frontier.

Once your plants are fully grown, harvest them using the Vacuum Harvester, just like any other flower or plant in the game. Suck them in, and they will be added to your inventory. From there, you can use them to craft items or store them away for later use.

How to Fertilize Plants

To create fertilizer, place up to ten plants or fibers in a Compost Box. Fertilizers serve as ammunition for the Irrigation Hose. To apply them to your plants, ensure they are in your inventory and switch the Hose’s ammunition to fertilizer, which is represented by the leaf icon.

Applying fertilizer to plants is much like watering them. Aim your Irrigation Hose at the plants and press RT (right-click on PC). This supplement will increase the yield of each plant after growth rather than accelerating its growth rate.

Fertilizer must be applied before the plants start to grow. If there are sprouts on the ground, the fertilizer won’t work.

How to Sell Plants to Make Money

the merchant landing in lightyear frontier.

To sell your farming harvests, you must construct a Merchant Landing. This structure enables space merchants to land on your farm and purchase your goods. To determine which items to sell, monitor the economic trends and focus on items with a green (upward) arrow in the Prediction section. These are items predicted to sell for a higher price.

lightyear frontier
Lightyear Frontier

March 19, 2024
Frame Break , Amplifier Studios
Open-World , Adventure , Farming