Lightyear Frontier is a cozy farming adventure game in which players can gather resources, establish a farm, build various structures and objects, explore a distant planet, and uncover hidden secrets.

Among the various resources that can be scavenged during your adventure, there is Wood. However, in Lightyear Frontier, Wood can be discovered and obtained in multiple variants. These variants can be used for different crafts as you reinforce your farm and progress through your journey, so knowing how to obtain each one can be extremely helpful.

Lightyear Frontier: Radio Tower and Request Board Guide

Building the Radio Tower in Lightyear Frontier will allow you to take requests, helping you to earn monetary rewards from the NPC Ulf.

How to Get All Types of Wood in Lightyear Frontier

wood in Lightyear Frontier

In Lightyear Frontier, three different types of Wood can be sourced during your adventure: Wood, Softwood, and Hardwood. These Wood variants can be foraged from different trees that grow throughout the planet you have crash-landed on. Knowing how to reliably gather each one will go a long way, ensuring you always have a solid collection of resources for creating necessities and upgrades for your camp and farm.

Lightyear Frontier: How To Get Clay

Clay is a highly versatile and useful material that you can acquire in Lightyear Frontier, and here is how you can obtain it.

How to Get Wood in Lightyear Frontier

Wood can be most efficiently obtained by harvesting Green and Yellow Trees, as both of these variants will commonly drop the material. These trees are also very common throughout the majority of the lands, so you should have no problems finding suitable patches to chop down these trees with the Spike Saw.

How to Get Hardwood in Lightyear Frontier

Hardwood can be harvested from Large Yellow Trees, Large Green Trees, and Large Fallen Trees. Much like the regular variant, it can be harvested with the use of the Spike Saw. However, to harvest materials from these larger Tree variants with efficiency, you will need an upgraded Spike Saw attachment, which can be obtained from the Upgrade Depot.

How to Get Softwood in Lightyear Frontier

Softwood can most easily be collected from Pine Trees. To harvest Pine Trees in bulk, the best idea is to head over to the Pine Height location on the map, which can be accessed not far from the starting point of your crash landing site. After harvesting Pine Trees, they should regrow after a couple of days.

lightyear frontier
Lightyear Frontier

March 19, 2024
Frame Break , Amplifier Studios
Amplifier Studios , Frame Break
Open-World , Adventure , Farming