Lightyear Frontier has eight regions: The Meadows, Pine Heights, Edge Cliffs, Stepstone Peak, Yellow Forest, Mountainside Coast, Lowland Plains, and Tornado Rock Isle. (The ninth location is on the western part of the map, but it’s currently unavailable and will be added via future updates.) This guide explains how to restore and unlock all eight locations to expand the game’s map.

Lightyear Frontier: Best Locations To Farm Coal

Coal is an important material for anyone who is playing Lightyear Frontier, and here are the best places to farm a ton of it.

Restoration Prerequisites

restoration missions in lightyear frontier.

In order to clean and restore Lightyear Frontier regions, you must unlock the Irrigation Hose and Vacuum Harvester. These weapons become available once you start the game. All you need to do is visit drop zones in the Meadows marked by yellow smoke.

How to Unlock All Regions

all regions in lightyear frontier.

To unlock all seven regions, you must clean Noxious Slimes and Noxious Weeds. Noxious Slimes are red spots on the ground that are cleansed with the Irrigation Hose. Noxious Weeds are leaf-looking debris that can be collected using the Vacuum Harvester.

How to Unlock Each Region:

  • The Meadows: Unlocked from the start.
  • Pine Heights: Cleanse Noxious Slimes with the Irrigation Hose.
  • Edge Cliffs: Clean Noxious Weeds with the Vacuum Cleaner.
  • Stepstone Peak: Cleanse big Noxious Slimes with the upgraded Irrigation Hose (Power 1).
  • Yellow Forest: Collect big Noxious Weeds with the upgraded Vacuum Harvester (Power 1).
  • Mountainside Coast: Get the Irrigation Hose Power 2.
  • Lowland Plains: Get the Vacuum Harvester Power 2.
  • Tornado Rock Isle: Unlock the Water Walking ability.

Tornado Rock Isle is the secret location situated in the northern part of the map. It does not require restoration efforts. However, you cannot access it until you have restored all six other locations and obtained the ability to walk on water, allowing you to reach this Isle.

How to Upgrade Restoration Tools

the upgrade depot in lightyear frontier.

After constructing an Assembler, craft Aluminum Frames, which enable you to build the Upgrade Depot. The Upgrade Depot is essential for upgrading your restoration tools. To construct the Upgrade Depot, you'll need Stone (24), Aluminum Rod (4), and Aluminum Frame (4).

Once the Depot is built, harvest the following items to upgrade the Irrigation Hose and Vacuum Cleaner.

  • Vacuum Harvester Power 1:
    • Copper Wire (5)
    • Caroot Oil (9)
  • Vacuum Harvester Power 2:
    • Blue Lens (2)
    • Steel Electronics (2)
    • Battery (2)
  • Irrigation Hose Power 1:
    • Red Crystal Dust (10)
    • Robbage Oil (9)
  • Irrigation Hose Power 2:
    • Iron Parts (5)
    • Red Lens (2)
lightyear frontier
Lightyear Frontier

March 19, 2024
Amplifier Studios , Frame Break
Open-World , Adventure , Farming