The Life is Strange series is full of betrayal, emotion, and danger. Regardless of players' choices, they will inevitably come across characters that will impact their gameplay negatively due to their power, which is sometimes hidden in plain sight.

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Known for their sudden changes in disposition, sometimes erratic behavior, and generally twisted natures, dangerous characters are really what makes the Life is Strange series what it is. Though they can often hide in plain sight, they almost always become a thorn in the player's or an NPC's side at some point in the story they play their part in.

10 Charles Eriksen - Life Is Strange 2

charles from Life Is Strange 2 praying

Featured in Life is Strange 2, Charles is the father of Chris, a boy who befriends Daniel in the second episode. Although the interactions with Charles are quite minor, it is revealed that he turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism after the death of his wife. He doesn't behave badly towards Sean and Daniel in the game, but it is revealed quite discreetly that he can be somewhat abusive towards his son at times. This is most clearly seen if the player decides to play the optional add-on game, Captain Spirit.

No - he doesn't pose a significant threat to players in the game; however, he is definitely someone to note as a possible danger. The pure concept of having an add-on to see more into the lives of Charles and his son, Chris, shows that his dangerous side is most definitely there.

9 Diane - Life Is Strange: True Colors

diane from life is strange: true colors

Diane can be described as one of two main antagonists in True Colors. She works for Typhon and helps to hide why a blast went off in the mountains when a call came in saying people were there, which led to the death of Gabe Chen. Some may initially think she is just loyal and career-driven, but it is revealed that she is extremely selfish and downright evil.

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Even when Alex confronts everyone about Jed pushing her down into a cave, she continues to gaslight her in front of people. She feels little remorse for those struggling and seems to lack empathy, making her a character players should constantly be wary of.

8 David Madsen - Life Is Strange

David from Life Is Strange in his security uniform

We all know that David eventually gets his redemption arc when he saves Max at the end of Episode 5, but players were definitely skeptical of him during the first few episodes of Life is Strange.

Throughout the majority of Life Is Strange, David can really only be described as a bully. He harasses Kate Marsh, even when he knows she's having a hard time, and creepily keeps photos of students he thinks are behaving badly. He relies heavily on his military background to defend his actions, but he is consistently harsh on all students, particularly Chloe. Yes, he had a redemption, but for most of the game, he seems like a pretty unpredictable and dangerous guy.

7 Victoria - Life Is Strange

victoria from life is strange

Victoria is your typical arrogant, popular teenager. She's rude and self-centered and thinks the world revolves around her as she is wealthy and popular. She picks on Max throughout Life is Strange unnecessarily and, because of her influence over other students, is someone players don't want to get on the bad side of. If Max does stand up to her at certain points, she will say things to insinuate that she's going to go out of her way to make her life a living hell.

Victoria's obsession with staying at the top of the food chain and being better than everyone else makes her dangerous. She will do anything to get her way, so players need to tread carefully when making decisions that involve her.

6 Merrill - Life Is Strange 2

merrill from life is strange 2

The player is introduced to Merrill in Chapter 3 of Life Is Strange 2, when Sean and Daniel are working on a marijuana farm. He is harsh on his workers and seems to enjoy abusing his power at times. He revokes pay from all workers at one point because Daniel snuck in somewhere he wasn't supposed to and is often telling workers how grateful they should be to work there and that they need to "learn a lesson."

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His dangerous side is presented the most at the end of the episode when Sean breaks into his house to try and retrieve his money. Merrill appears with a shotgun and is ready to shoot everyone in the room, including a child. He is selfish, strict, and aggressive, and his actions led to multiple casualties in this episode.

5 Nathan - Life Is Strange

nathan from life is strange shouting

Nathan is the epitome of a jerk. A spoiled, rich kid who has never experienced not getting his way. He's self-aware and a bully, which is not a good combination.

He physically assaults and verbally abuses innocent people and drugs Kate Marsh with seemingly no guilt. All he cares about is his life and his future. Although, at the end of the game, he does express some remorse for the death of Rachel Amber. However, this doesn't excuse the way he acted for the vast majority of the story.

4 Finn - Life Is Strange 2

finn from life is strange 2 in hospital

Finn is loved by lots of players and is even a potential love interest for Sean in Episode 3 of Life is Strange 2. Despite this, though, he is selfish and doesn't think things through. His major downfall was, of course, taking Daniel to steal money from Merrill. The player can choose to go along with this or not, but it happens anyway. Whether Sean agrees with Finn's plan or not, it's still very wrong to take a child into such a dangerous situation, and he knows it. Greed just got the better of him.

Finn's character highlights an important point. A person doesn't have to be entirely evil and awful to be considered dangerous, but being self-centered and not thinking about things properly will change how someone is perceived. At first glance, Finn doesn't seem like a threat, but the way his mind works makes him a very dangerous individual.

3 Lisbeth - Life Is Strange 2

lisbeth from life is strange 2 surrounded by fire

Lisbeth was an awfully dangerous character. Her manipulation of Daniel in Episode 4 was by far one of the most tense moments in any Life is Strange game. Like most threatening characters in the series, there is a great depth to Lisbeth that, once examined, serves to present as an even greater threat than players first thought.

Not only did she manipulate Daniel into believing Sean was abusive, but she also took advantage of an entire town full of children and people, too. She purposefully kept a little girl sick by not giving her medicine and banished a boy from the community because of their sexual orientation. She kept them going by labeling herself as the "mother" and a savior, which she was not.

2 Jed Lucan - Life Is Strange: True Colors

jed from true colors

Despite originally being praised as a hero in True Colors, Jed Lucan was anything but. He made a mistake many years ago by leaving his men to die underground, but he kept this to himself and soaked in all the glory from a lie he told. Even years later, when the truth is close to being uncovered by Alex, he decides the best course of action is to shoot her. Little did he know that she would come back fighting.

Even when Alex does return, he laughs in her face and denies it at first. If that's not a sign of a true, dangerous villain, what is?

1 Mark Jefferson

mark jefferson from life is strange

The reveal of Mr. Jefferson's evil alter-ego is still the most shocking plot twist in any Life Is Strange game today. He was cunning throughout and kept his cool but turned out to be an obsessive murderer with anger issues and a secret lair.

What's most interesting about him is the hints players are given regarding his second persona during both first and second playthroughs. He quite literally says, "I could frame any one of you in a dark corner and capture you in a moment of desperation," which is exactly what he was doing all along.

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