It may be a story-rich game that relies on decision-making as its primary gameplay mechanic, but there are still plenty of hidden collectibles to find in Life is Strange. These optional photo opportunities are scattered about each episode, with some requiring Max to make specific decisions, or the chance to take the picture won't appear.

There are 10 Photo collectibles to get in Life is Strange, Episode 2: Out of Time. Don't worry if some were missed, as any episode can be repeated from the main menu in "Collectible Mode" to search for the missing photo opportunities without affecting previous player choices. Each picture will pop its own Trophy/Achievement, and once all ten have been found, the "Lab Master" Trophy/Achievement will also unlock.

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All Photo Collectible Locations in Episode 2 of Life is Strange

Optional Photo Opportunity 1 - Rabbit (Kate's Dorm Room)

Max looking at a Rabbit in a cage in episode 2 of Life is Strange

The first optional photo opportunity in Life is Strange, Episode 2 can be collected after Max takes a shower, and enters Kate's room to return a book. Before talking to Kate, go to the rabbit in a cage and take a picture. This unlocks the "Field of View" Trophy/Achievement.

Optional Photo Opportunity 2 - Squirrel (Outside Girls' Dormitory)

Max inspecting trach can outside girls' dormitory in episode 2 of life is strange

After speaking with Kate and leaving the dormitory, head past the steps where Max decided to make fun of Victoria or comfort her and turn right. Head toward the trash can beside a bench in the distance. Make Max look at the trash can first, and then take a piece of food from it to lure the squirrel.

Max looking at squirrel on a bench in epsidoe 2 of life is strange

Walk away until the squirrel hops on the bench, then walk back and take the second optional photo. The "Full Exposure" Trophy/Achievement will pop. Max takes a similar picture of a squirrel while looking for the collectible photo opportunities in Episode 1 of Life is Strange.

Optional Photo Opportunity 3 - Diner Sign (Outside Two Whales Diner)

Max looking at two whales diner sign in epsidoe 2 of life is strange

After Max gets off the bus, go to the Two Whales Diner entrance and look up. If positioned to the left, Max can take the third optional photo opportunity in Episode 2 of Life is Strange. This unlocks the "Processor" Trophy/Achievement.

Optional Photo Opportunity 4 - Frank's Dog (Outside Two Whales Diner)

Max taking a photo of Frank's dog through a fence in episode 2 of Life is Strange

Head around the right-hand side of the diner, and go past the homeless woman. Max can take a picture of Frank's dog from this angle. Approaching it from the left-hand side of the diner makes the dog bark at Max instead. Once photographed, the "Image Stabilizer" Trophy/Achievement will pop.

Optional Photo Opportunity 5 - Mirror Graffiti (Inside Two Whales Diner)

Max looking at Graffiti on a bathroom mirror in the two whales diner in episode 2 of life is strange

After photographing the dog, head into the diner. Before taking a seat, however, go into the bathroom on the left and take a picture of the mirror covered in the "Fire walk with me" Graffiti. Players will receive the "Compressed" Trophy/Achievement. Before leaving the diner, Max will have to make an important decision that can alter the ending of Life is Strange.

Optional Photo Opportunity 6 - Yellow Bus (Junkyard)

Max looking at a yellow bus in a junkyard in episode 2 of life is strange

As soon as players have control of Max at the junkyard, turn around and walk all the way to the yellow bus. Hug the border and walk slightly left in order to get the prompt to take the sixth optional photo opportunity. This unlocks the "Pixelated" Trophy/Achievement.

Optional Photo Opportunity 7 - Deer (Junkyard)

Max looking at deer in yunkyard of episode 2 in life is strange remastered

After photographing the bus, head to its right and enter the small opening in the surrounding junk. Max will spot a deer, and she can follow it up, and to the right, to take a picture. Photographing the deer pops the "Dynamic Range" Trophy/Achievement.

Optional Photo Opportunity 8 - Chloe (Junkyard)

Max looking at Chloe sitting on a car and playing with a gun in episode 2 of life is strange

Max will collapse and wake up on top of a car with Chloe. After the cutscene, when players have control of Max, go to Chloe's left side to get the prompt to take the eighth optional photo opportunity. This unlocks the "Colorized" Trophy/Achievement. Max's story in Life is Strange can be altered depending on what players pick in the upcoming choice.

Optional Photo Opportunity 9 - Warren (Science Classroom)

Max looking at Warren in science classroom of episode 2 in Life is Strange

Back at Blackwell Academy, Max will get a text from Warren asking her to meet him in his science classroom. Max will talk to David first (and get a different set of dialogue options depending on whether she blamed Chloe or took the blame for her weed in Episode 1 of Life is Strange).

Max looking at Ms. Grant in episode 2 of life is strange remastered

Talk to Warren and pick any response. His experiment will fail, so rewind time and go talk to the teacher at her desk. Ask her about the correct element, then go back and tell Warren the right answer this time. Max can now take a photo of him to unlock the "Meter Made" Trophy/Achievement. Helping Warren can be an important choice in Life is Strange if players want Max to develop feelings for him.

Optional Photo Opportunity 10 - Alyssa (Mr. Jefferson's Classroom)

Alex looking at Alyssa staring at the window in episode 2 of life is strange

For the tenth and last photo opportunity in Episode 2, head into Mr. Jefferson's classroom after talking with him. Just walk over to Alyssa by the window and snap a picture of her looking at the rain. This pops the "Resolution Revolution" and "Lab Master" Trophies/Achievements, as long as all other optional photo opportunities have been located. After taking the photo of Alyssa, Max will have to go to her desk. Nathan will act slightly differently toward her, depending on whether she reported Nathan or told the truth in Life is Strange, Episode 1.

Finding the ten photo opportunities in every episode of Life is Strange will lead to a very easy Platinum Trophy, or full Gamerscore, as they are the only optional unlockables in the game.

Life is Strange: Remastered Collection is out now for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia, with a Switch version releasing later in 2022.

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