With the Summer reveal season about to kick off, publishers and studios are gearing up for the next round of trailers and announcements. Smaller studios that are not attached to the industry's big companies like Sony and Xbox still have games they may want to reveal in that timespan. Those studios are either left making smaller announcements or attaching to their publishers as part of their own shows. One studio, DONTNOD Entertainment, has recently made several tweets that signify it's ready to make its own announcements in the summer lead-up.

DONTNOD Entertainment, the studio behind most of the Life is Strange games, Tell Me Why, Vampyr, and other narrative-driven games, is teasing an announcement on Tuesday about what they have been working on. In a tweet posted Monday morning, the studio posted on its official Twitter account teasing potential news and sneak peeks into what it's been working on.

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Any fans that were thinking they could go to DONTNOD's website for clues as to what's in its development pipeline were met with a "Site Under Maintenance" message. The studio has been hard at work developing new games; there was a tease of "Project 8" some time ago. In an interview with IGN last year, Dontnod Entertainment CEO Oskar Guilbert made it clear that the studio wanted to do more than just make Life is Strange sequels. With its impending announcement, the studio could begin to show how it's diversifying its offerings.

The possible announcements that DONTNOD could be teasing varies widely. Even though the company says it wants to focus on other projects, it could reveal another Life is Strange title that is in development in-house since it left Life is Strange: True Colors to Deck Nine Studios. Any or all of the games it could announce may also be published by them after it released Twin Mirror in 2020, and its work with Square Enix has ended as the company moved to be more independent.

The tweet is mysterious enough to pique the curiosity of its fanbase, leading to questions about what the company could be announcing. Those fans will likely have notifications on, so they don't miss out, hoping for exciting reveals at the end rather than just an announcement of another future announcement. With its pedigree in narrative-driven games with impactful stories and diverse characters, the easy answer would be more games along those lines. But as previous interviews state, the company wants to do more than that, referencing "action RPGs" with as many as five other games in development, including the mysterious "Project 8."

MORE: Dontnod Entertainment's Future Doesn't Necessarily Need Life is Strange

Source: Video Games Chronicle