The heart-wrenching narrative adventure series Life is Strange returns this September with its third mainline entry — Life is Strange: True Colors. Like Life is Strange and Life is Strange 2 before it, Life is Strange: True Colors features an all-new setting with a brand new protagonist that wields yet another supernatural ability.

While not direct sequels, Life is Strange and Life is Strange 2 are connected, and the ripple effects of players' choices from the previous game do present themselves over time. References to old characters and surprising appearances are something that Life is Strange fans are used to, and is something that could happen in Life is Strange: True Colors as well. The chances of seeing old characters in Life is Strange: True Colors is seemingly plausible because of its connections to Steph Gingrinch, who plays a prominent role in the upcoming new entry. With that said, here are some Life is Strange characters who could return in Life is Strange: True Colors.

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Victoria Chase

The rich and cold queen bee of Black Well Academy, Victoria Chase survives the tragedy that struck Arcadia Bay in one of the two endings of Life is Strange, and is ever so grateful to Chloe's stepdad David, who saved his life. David, who appears in Life is Strange 2, now lives in an RV where players can find a thank you letter from Victoria. According to her letter, Victoria is undergoing therapy, and it makes sense that she would stop by the small mountainous town of Haven Springs for a vacation. Interestingly, Haven Springs also has a Ski and Snowboarding rental shop which is exactly the type of place where one would expect to bump into Victoria.

Mikey North

Little Mikey from Before the Storm has quite the possibility of reappearing in Life is Strange: True Colors, given his connections to Steph. In Before the Storm, Mikey is seen playing a game of D&D with Steph, which players can choose to be a part of. Steph is one of Mikey's best friends, which is made evident as the game progresses. Given how Steph plays an integral role in True Colors, it makes sense that Mikey appears or is at least referenced in the game in some form. To nobody's surprise, Steph also hosts a "live-action role-playing fantasy spectacular" event in True Colors that demands Mikey's presence.

Chloe Price

Everyone's favorite punk Chloe Price could return in Life is Strange: True Colors. However for that to happen, the game has to answer one big fan question. In the first Life is Strange game, Chloe either dies or survives the events of Arcadia Bay. While many believe the "Bae Ending" to be canon, Dontnod and Square Enix has never come out and made an official statement. Hence, for Chloe to make an appearance, they either have to canonize one of the endings, or give players the option to choose either of the two endings at the start of True Colors, similar to Life is Strange 2.

The chances of Chloe reappearing in True Colors have seemingly increased due to a recent rumor that popped all over social media. It seems that some Life is Strange fans gathered info from data mining that pinpoints Chloe's return in the bonus DLC episode of True Colors — Wavelengths — which players experience from the shoes of Steph Gingrich. Unfortunately, there hasn't been any plausible evidence that supports this leak, so fans should take this with a massive grain of salt. Nevertheless, "an old friend" is confirmed to return in Steph's DLC, and fans won't have to wait much longer to find who it actually is.

Sera Gearhardt

Unexpected appearances are the most memorable ones, and Sera could be that in Life is Strange: True Colors. Sera, who is Rachel's birth mother, appears in Before the Storm. Whether she survives the ending of the first game is a mystery as she's practically absent from it. However, this does increase her chances of returning in True Colors.

It's no surprise that Steph had a crush on Rachel in Before the Storm. While that ship didn't sail, Rachel's tragic fate must have deeply affected Steph, something that True Colors or its bonus DLC episode Wavelengths could shed a little light on. Interestingly, Haven Springs seems the kind of place where Sera would immediately blend in. Moreover, a conversation about Rachel between Steph and Sera could potentially be the closure fans need.

Life is Strange: True Colors launches September 10, 2021, on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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