Fans of Bloodborne have long been eyeing Lies of P—a soon-to-be-released action RPG that wears its Soulslike influences on its sleeve. Just as Bloodborne introduced gamers to a fresh setting in the form of Lovecraftian Victorian England, Lies of P explores the prosperous Belle Epoque era that preceded the outbreak of World War I. Based on Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, the upcoming title puts players into the shoes of Pinocchio, or P, as they strive to save a city decimated by the Puppet Frenzy.

In addition to providing a unique setting, the Belle Epoque period affords Lies of P themes of cultural and scientific progress balanced against class inequality and behind-the-scenes tensions that would eventually plunge Europe (and Krat like it) into darkness. Among others, Neowiz's Chankyu Noh recently spoke to Game ZXC about the era's intriguing duality and how it shaped the upcoming Soulslike game.

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Lies of P: The Duality of the Belle Epoque Period

lies of p krat-3

The Belle Epoque Era, which lasted roughly from the late 1870s to the outbreak of World War I in 1914, was a period of scientific revolution, flourishing arts, and relative peace in Europe. Breakthroughs in electricity, public transit, and industrial machinery typified the era, though Noh noted that Neowiz focused on highlighting very specific aspects of the era for Lies of P:

"We carefully sidestepped electronically-driven concepts, instead leaning into intricate mechanical methods and trying to make them as detailed as possible. Building automated puppets that are immersive and realistic was crucial to the world of Lies of P, so the team put much artistic thought into this task."

The cold, unfeeling puppet enemies of Lies of P establish an oppressive mood in an environment that was recently rich with life and splendor. And even though Neowiz shies from some of the more stunning advancements discovered in the time period—such as radioactivity and personal transportation—the developers supplement these mechanical marvels with the fairy tale magic of Pinocchio. These supernatural elements manifest themselves through narrative and mechanical flourishes such as Ergo energy and Fable Arts combat abilities.

Belle Epoque Architecture in Lies of P

The architecture of the Belle Epoque era drew from numerous influences, as per the period's pending globalization. Noh specifically called out several influences that helped shape the look and feel of Krat:

"To adhere to Belle Epoque era architecture, we took the Ottoman, Neo-Baroque, and other distinctive architectural styles as our references. Because of many European buildings from Belle Epoque era still exist, our artists undertook thorough research to ensure an immersive experience in-game."

Baroque and Neo-Baroque elements in art are distinguished by meticulous, often asymmetrical details, which can be seen in the characters' wardrobes and the decor of buildings. Industrial-scale manufacturing also led to an emphasis on the use of metal in construction, supplementing more classical materials like stone, brick, or wood. This highly metallic, oppressively artificial feel of the environment was intentional, as Neowiz hoped to create "a bone-chilling and cold atmosphere," that will deeply immerse players in Lies of P's story.

Prosperity, Squalor, and Dark Romance in Lies of P

lies p krat city

Just as Lies of P explores artificiality and life, truth and deceit, the Belle Epoque is an era with two faces, and this duality was what Neowiz hoped to capture with the settings' details above all else. While aristocrats enjoyed a privileged existence and were able to move freely throughout Europe thanks to the era's relative political stability, the Belle Epoque's innovations were predicated on readily available cheap labor. The emergence of commuting gave rise to a mobile workforce who traveled from impoverished areas to wealthier districts daily.

This contrast is evident in the various areas of Lies of P. The luxurious interior of Hotel Krat, with its gilded decorations and brightly lit rooms, sharply contrasts the rest of the metropolis which has been savaged by the automatons' uprising. From a historical perspective, it seems that Neowiz is capturing the Belle Epoque in its twilight, a world that has just tipped from the precipice of plenty into a new dark era, similar to how World War I brought an end to Europe's prosperity. These paradoxical qualities and dramatic juxtapositions may help Lies of P achieve one of the most distinctive video game settings of 2023, which should help it stand apart from other games in the Soulslike genre.

Lies of P releases for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S on September 19th.

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