Lies of P may be a Pinocchio-inspired Soulslike game, but that doesn't mean its combat or bosses are any less challenging than any other game in the genre. Inspired by the classic fairy tale, it looks set to give players a wealth of tools and systems to transform its protagonist, Pinocchio, into the ultimate fighting machine, from Legion Arm attachments to the special tricks of the Fable Arts.

However, players curious about the game might wonder what these systems are and how they fit in with the game's wealth of combat systems and mechanics. In a recent Game ZXC interview, we spoke to several devs on the Neowiz team, including director Jiwon Choi, about Lies of P's Legion Arms and Fable Arts systems and what all fans can expect from them.

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Lies Of P's Legion Arms Explained


While Lies of P has three fighting styles to choose between, players also get the choice to swap out Pinocchio's prosthetic arm for others, granting different and unique abilities in combat. Each Legion Arm so far looks different, giving Pinocchio abilities such as the Left Arm of Steel for delivering powerful forward punches, Puppet String to harpoon enemies to drag or grapple toward enemies faster, and Fulminis to dish out a devastating electrical shock. Additionally, the cannon-like Falcon Eyes Legion Arm is an attachment that conceals explosive power underneath an ornate design.

The inclusion of Legion Arms further diversifies the kind of combat players can encounter when fighting Lies of P's challenging bosses and more, with a total of eight arms for players to fit into their build. As Jiwon Choi explains,

The Legion Arm system is designed to extend the diversity in combat for players. We aim to provide more options players can leverage in combat by utilizing unique skills and abilities from Legion Arms to elevate the dynamic of combats in the Lies of P. You will find eight distinctive Legion Arms in the final release. Round8!

What Are Fable Arts And How Do They Work In Lies Of P?

Lies of P _Neowiz_Rosa Isabelle Street3

In addition to swapping out prosthetic arms, players can also switch up the blade and handle of melee weapons, with each component possessing a unique Fable Arts skill. This feature allows players to customize weapons according to their preferences and playstyles for further player-choice-driven combat. However, to use these special Fable Arts weapon abilities, players must first charge the ability, a bit like Lies of P's pulse cell. Once these Fable Slots are restored, players can perform special attack or defensive Fable Art abilities like Storm Stab or Guard Parry, with some requiring more charge than others.

The addition of the Fable Arts also looks to be a feature that bodes well for creating further crafting diversity in Lies of P among its Weapon Assembly functionality, where players can customize weapons with two Fable Arts abilities when mixing and matching handles and blades, a feature many players and fans of soulslike games alike may especially enjoy experimenting with to discover their effects. As Choi explained, the intention behind the feature is to "accentuate" Lies of P's Weapon Assemble system and offer players the opportunity to "craft personalized weapons," plus maximize their stats,

We believe it allows you to maximize your unique weapon recipes not only with regard to the stats but also with the Fable Arts that accompany the handles and blades.

Lies of P launches on September 19 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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