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The Booster Glaive in Lies of P is a weapon that basically slams a cutting machine blade together with a homemade Glaive handle with boosters slapped onto it. With it, players have access to another Greatsword Blade and a Handle that gives them a boosted forward charging Heavy Attack.

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To find it, Lies of P players first need to reach the Puppet Workshop that Lorenzini Venigni is trapped within. For reference, this is the area just after the Mad Donkey fight. Once they arrive at the Workshop Union Culvert Stargazer, they'll be able to quickly find the Booster Glaive nearby.

Both Methods Of Obtaining The Booster Glaive

Before going into exactly where the Booster Glaive is found, it's worth mentioning that there are two 'ways' to go about obtaining it:

  1. Going straight to the chest, avoiding the Corruption fluid and Puppet of the Future, and saving them for later.
  2. Exploring the Workshop until the level that drains this Corruption fluid is found, then returning to the area with the Puppet of the Future and Booster Glaive chest.

The Booster Glaive is in a chest at the end of a long drainage ditch-esque area near the Workshop Union Culvert Stargazer. This Channel is guarded by a giant 'Puppet of the Future' and has ankle-high Corruption-inflicting fluid all throughout it.

The intended pathway players are 'supposed' to take to get the Booster Glaive is to explore the Workshop until they find the method of draining this Corruption fluid and then go back for the chest with the Booster Glaive inside. Then, after beating the Puppet of the Future (Thrown Items work well against it), they're meant to actually open the chest and obtain the Glaive.

However, it's a lot quicker (and easier) to just deal with the Corruption DoT, run past the Puppet of the Future, and open the Booster Glaive chest before the Puppet catches up to the player's character. This will likely result in the player dying from either the Puppet of the Future or from the constant damage ticks due to Corruption, but gaining access to the Booster Glaive and Handle should be easily worth a return trip for players to re-obtain their lost Ergo.

How To Drain The Corruption Fluid

The intended method for getting the Booster Glaive is for players to naturally progress through the Workshop until they find the switch that drains the Channel. However, this switch is a bit out of the way of the path to the boss itself, meaning a lot of players didn't naturally stumble across it. So, let's go over exactly how players can find it:




From the Workshop Union Culvert Stargazer, progress through the factory like normal until the player reaches a long hallway with flaming spheres of defunct puppets continuously rolling down it.


Progress down this hallway, avoiding the flaming spheres by hugging the open areas even now and then on the left or right. Progress forward until the player reaches a point where a puppet breaks through a nearby wall on the righthand side.


Go forward through this newly opened pathway until players come back around to an outside area with a stairway to their immediate right. Ignore this stairway (which leads to the boss of this area and a Stargazer) and instead head to the left.


Follow the hallway leading back inside the Workshop area and progress through this new area involving some large red pipes, some broken puppets, and one of those terrifying robotic guardians with the shovels (let's call them 'Shovel Guardians')


Head into the large ride pipe area and progress forward. Once players encounter the Shovel Guardian, the lever is within reach.


Either fight or run past the Shovel Guardian, open the shortcut door on the left, and activate the lever that should be directly ahead of the player.

After all this is done, the player's screen should shake for a bit before stopping, letting them know the Corruption fluid has now been drained. Now, they can head back up those stairs from earlier, and follow that forward path to find a lever that drops a pipe down, creating a shortcut to the Workshop Union Culvert Stargazer.

Booster Glaive Stats

Lies of P - Booster Glaive In Stats Scren

For players who want to see if the Booster Glaive is even worth grabbing in the first place, here are the overall stats of both the handle and blade:

Blade Type



Attack Type




Damage Reduction While Guarding

Fable Art (Blade)

Fable Art (Handle)




Moderate Slashing Damage





Storm Slash

Patient Slash

The fact that this weapon has a D in Motivity and a B in Technique is pretty unique, as it's a Greatsword that seems to prefer Dexterity over Strength. That said, this scaling is based on the Handle, so if players want a version of this weapon for a Strength build, just slap the Blade onto a Motivity-scaling Handle or use a Motivity Crank on the Glaive handle.

Booster Glaive Verdict

Lies of P - Charging Up Booster Glaive Charged Attack

As for a final verdict on the Booster's an all-around fantastic weapon. Despite its Greatsword-type Blade, the handle makes this thing heavily Technique-focused, which is great for 'dexterity' builds. And, even for those who aren't building into Technique, a quick handle swap or Crank addition can tailor the handle to whatever needs the player desires.

The attack pattern of the handle is also quite nice, as it's simple and repetitive. The Charged Heavy Attack is by far its most interesting feature, as it has a booster-blasted forward momentum attack that can help players close the distance incredibly quickly. Finally, the Blade itself is also great, as it's better than the default Greatsword blade while also looking a bit more 'natural' when combined with most of the other handles. All-in-all, the Booster Glaive is one of the best weapons for players to pick up as soon as possible, and in the right hands, it can trivialize a lot of the game's early difficult moments.

Lies of P is available now on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.