
  • Ergo Fragments can be sold for the same amount of Ergo as popping them individually, making it a convenient way to use up different types of Ergo Fragments.
  • Attribute Resistance Ampuoles and Sawtoothed Wheels are items that players can sell for extra Ergo if they have excess quantities in their storage.
  • Star Fragments can be sold for a decent chunk of Ergo, providing an opportunity to make extra money if players choose not to use AI summons called Specters or have already unlocked the Gold Coin Tree.

Ergo is of vital importance in Lies of P, it's what players will need thousands and thousands of in order to get their Pinocchio all powered up. Now, the typical way to get Ergo in-game is to fight, but players can also sell items to get Ergo as well. Though to be honest, this is usually only meant to 'top off' whatever amount of Ergo players needed to buy a different item or level up, so it shouldn't be used to generate the majority of Ergo for a level (especially later on in the game)

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Usually in these Soulslike games selling items isn't a great way to make money, but in Lies of P, it's not that bad. So, let's go over some of the best items to sell to NPCs that players (most likely) aren't going to need.

7 Ergo Fragments

Lies of P - Regular And Rare Ergo In Inventory

First and foremost, players can sell Ergo to make more Ergo, which may seem redundant. Basically, this is just a way for players to 'use' all their different types of Ergo Fragments (except Rare Ergo) without having to go through the menu or manually popping each one individually. As it turns out, Ergo Fragments sell for the exact same amount of Ergo as players would get from popping them. Again it's just a convenience thing, but one that's absolutely worth knowing and worth utilizing.

6 Rare Ergo

Lies of P - Treasure Hunters Rare Ergo Exchange

Rare Ergo is absolutely different from regular Ergo Fragments, which a lot of newer Soulslike players are sadly finding out only after they've used one mistakenly. Basically, this is the category where all the boss souls go that players can eventually turn into specialty weapons. To be frank, these items should have been labeled differently or separated from the regular Ergo Fragments even more, because a lot of people have been mistakenly using them before they're supposed to.

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However, for the players who do have Alidoro the Treasure Hunter at Hotel Krat and have decided they don't care about the Amulet or Weapon this Ergo 'soul' can be traded to him for, it's actually worth selling the Rare Ergo in that specific circumstance.

5 Attribute Resistance Ampuoles

Lies of P - Attribute Ampoule In Sell Menu

There are certain items that players are going to quickly figure out are reliably always dropped by specific enemies. Items like Sawtoothed Wheels and Ampuloes in particular (both Attribute and Special Purification Ampuloes) seem to drop all the time and are found on the ground around most corners.

And, while Attribute Resistance Ampuoles are pretty useful when players are up against environmental hazards or enemies who use a lot of Shock, Acid, or Fire, players aren't going to need 'that' many of them or the Purification Ampuoles. So, once players notice they have 10+ Attribute Purification or Attribute Resistance Ampuloes in their storage, it might be worth selling some extras for a bit of bonus Ergo. Only sell a couple, as the players who sell their entire stash with ironically almost always come across an area shortly after where these items are sorely needed.

4 Sawtoothed Wheels

Lies of P - Sawtoothed Wheel In Sell Menu

There are quite a few different throwable items in Lies of P, from Cluster Grenades to Thermite Canisters and even Shot Puts. And, every single one of these throwables has its uses. However, the Sawtoothed Wheels that players seem to find everywhere (and can be bought from Polendina) really don't have that.

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They're meant to serve the same function as something like the Pebbles in Bloodborne, but with all the different ways players have to hit enemies from a distance in Lies of P, they just seem like the least reliable option. However, there are some items later in the game (such as those pustules that generate a fog of Decay) that even a Sawtoothed Wheel can destroy from afar. So, if players plan on selling these items to make a bit of extra Ergo, don't sell every single one of them.

3 Star Fragments

Lies of P - Star Fragment In Sell Menu

Specters in Lies of P are AI summons that players can call on using the flaming blue brazier just outside of most boss arenas. To do this, however, players will need to use a Star Fragment each time. But, if players (usually Soulslike veterans) feel like summoning is 'taking the easy way out' and aren't utilizing this feature, then they might as well make some extra Ergo from selling their Star Fragments.

These things actually sell for a decent chunk of Ergo, and by the time players unlock the Gold Coin Tree they'll have easily found 30+ Fragments. Though, it may be worth keeping a couple at least in case players do come up against a boss they finally decide to use the Specter for. And, for the players who sold all their Star Fragments but suddenly need to summon a Specter to get past a certain boss (such as the King of Puppets), the NPC Giangio trades Star Fragments for Gold Coin Fruit, so there are still options.

2 Gemini's Emergency Protection & Iron Protection

Lies of P - Geminis Emergency Protection In Sell Menu

Lies of P has a lot of different items with the word 'temporary' or 'temporary' in their descriptions, but none of them ever describe how long temporary means in this context. For example, both Gemini's Emergency Protection and Gemini's Iron Protection say that they temporarily prevent Ergo Loss on death, but how long are they actually active? After some testing, it seems like they're active for at least 2+ minutes, which is long enough to last half or more of a boss battle.

Still, these items have a pretty niche percentage of the player base that actually uses them. So, for players who find themselves just unintentionally building up a dragon's hoard of these things without realizing it, sell a few.

1 Gold Coin Fruit

Lies of P - Gold Coin Fruit In Sell Menu

Lastly, oddly enough, the very item that players might be using to get more Star Fragments is the same item they can also sell to any Merchant to make a bit more Ergo. Gold Coin Fruits are an item that won't be recognizable to anyone who hasn't at least made it past the Black Rabbit Brotherhood boss battle. And, once players do unlock this tree and these fruits, they'll find that the Gold Coin Tree is an odd mechanic in Lies of P.

In fact, a lot of players have compared this one specific part of the game to something out of a mobile game rather than a Soulslike, as players will need to wait in real-time for more Coin Fruit to grow. However, this Fruit is only used in a few specific places, such as at Giangio, for a specific NPC side quest, and at the Saintess of Mercy Statue. So, if players have already given the Coins to Red Fox, bought everything they cared about from Giangio, and are happy with their overall build (including New Game+), it's usually okay to sell some Gold Coin Fruit for a bit of extra Ergo.

Lies of P is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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