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Lies of P promises to be a journey full of danger for players, and that is certainly the case. When every single enemy is capable of dealing fatal damage, it makes everything so much more intense. Throw in bosses that simply do not let up, and it helps create a souls-like experience that is one of the best in recent years.

As such, not everybody is going to be able to deal with the threats effectively, at least not on the first few tries. That is entirely understandable, even with plenty of wins and losses under the belt. To help players take one more step towards to the end of the game, this guide on how to beat Simon Manus, Awakened God will provide all the necessary precautions to take when facing this foe in Lies of P.

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How to Beat Simon Manus, Awakened God in Lies of P

How to Beat Simon Manus, Awakened God in Lies of P

By now, players will be used to the fact that there will be two phases in this boss fight, with the first being considerably easier than the second. Learning how to perfect guard is very important, as is the smart use of Pulse Cells to heal up. Make sure to upgrade all the gear available, such as weapons and handles, as every little bit counts.

Phase 1

In this first phase, Simon Manus will be in his Arm of God guise, which means he is using a giant mace and his body for melee attacks. The invisible danger here is the wide reach of his attacks, which may catch players by surprise. Summon the Specter using a Star Fragment before jumping in.

  • Take note of his melee attacks' timing. If he does the two-swing combo, which is a forearm swing followed by a backhand swing, either dodge or block to get some time to attack.
  • Manus also does a Fury slam attack, so watch out when he switches the grip on the mace, smashes the ground in front of him, and leaps into the air. Get some distance or nail the timing to deal Stagger damage. The recovery window will be a good time to attack.
  • In some cases, the boss will use an AoE charge attack instead of leaping into the air. Get out of range to prevent any damage. The flames on the ground will persist for a while, so kite the boss and move away.

It should be easy enough to whittle down his health without getting too damaged in the process. Try to have a healthy supply of Pulse Cells before moving into the second phase. For those with additional Special Grindstone uses, Fire is the best element here.

Phase 2

Now the real fun begins, as th fight is the real challenge. With both ranged and melee attacks, the Awakened God is one tough enemy to contend with.

  • In terms of ranged attacks, there are several. For starters, if the boss' arm pulsates with energy and slams it into the ground, it will cause three consecutive explosions where the player is. Keep moving to avoid the attack.
  • Simon Manus is also capable of launching a wave of energy along the ground towards the player, which can be perfectly blocked or dodged.
  • The boss is also fond of Disruption attacks, which come in different forms. The first sees him dodging to the side while firing several projectiles, and the second will see Manus summoning a yellow ball which shoots out faster-moving bolts of Disruption. Lastly, the enemy can send out several balls of energy that fire out projectiles after a delay. In all cases, keep moving to the side to avoid them.
  • The best window to attack is when he uses melee swings. The attacks are now faster and have more range, so get used to the slightly delayed timing if blocking is on the agenda.
  • He is also capable of rolling attacks, which can close the gap quickly, and follow up with a smash, so watch out for the combos.
  • Manus also uses the same Fury attack from before. Be sure to learn the timing so as not to get hurt too badly.
  • Eventually, the Awakened God will use a new attack which summons a giant hand out from the sky, triggering an explosion that covers a large area. Run away as much as possible to be safe.
Phase 2 Simon Manus Lies of P

Be precise with attacking and use Fable Arts whenever it is safe to do so. Whether it is by staggering the boss for a Fatal Attack or through attrition, victory will be within grasp with smart defensive work. The reward for besting this foe will be the Arm of God quest item and the Fallen One's Ergo.

Lies of P is available for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.