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Although players will have to take down their first boss in Lies of P alone, they will eventually gain a mysterious ally. Outside each major boss arena is a strange-looking dish players can interact with. Doing so, and using a Star Fragment, will allow players to summon an enigmatic Specter that can help them fight against some of the more imposing foes in the game. This Specter can be absolutely invaluable as it helps to draw aggro away from players while simultaneously helping them score more damage on the boss.

Unfortunately, there's no way to give these Specters direct commands, and they can be a bit squishy when dealing with difficult bosses. To help mitigate this, players are given access to special items, which can be purchased with a unique currency called Gold Coin Fruit. Here's a look at everything players need to know about Gold Coin Fruit in Lies of P and what exactly it does.

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How To Get Gold Coin Fruit In Lies Of P

Lies Of P Giangio After Malum District

Players will first learn about Gold Coin Fruit from a strange man named Giangio. This particular NPC can be found at the end of a slightly hidden and twisted route along the Path of Pain in Area IV (the area lies down a path just before players cross the large bridge to the St. Frangelico Cathedral). Players should be able to find Giangio and interact with him, exhausting his dialogue fully to receive his quest. Giangio will give players a mysterious Cube, as well as an object called a Wishstone, which can be slotted into the Cube itself. This Cube is incredibly powerful and important, but players won't be able to get much use out of it until they find Giangio again later on. For now, they'll simply need to continue onward through St. Frangelico Cathedral and deal with the boss there.

After players take down Fallen Archbishop, Andreus, they will continue through a new area called the Path of the Pilgrim (Area V) as well as the Malum District. After winding through the Malum District and defeating another major boss (and activating the Stargazer at the Malum District Town Hall), players can enter a building and go up an elevator to arrive back at Hotel Krat via a secret side entrance. Here, they will once again find Giangio, who this time expresses that he has found the Gold Coin Fruit Tree but needs the player to pick the fruits for him. Head outside to the tree itself, take the fruits, then head back to Giangio, and he will open a new shop where players can purchase a wide array of Wishstones.

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What Do Wishstones Do?

Lies Of P Wishstone Purchasing

Wishstones can be used with the Cube and are vitally important to increasing the skills and survivability of the Specter when using them during a boss fight. The Wishstones that Giangio sells have a wide variety of effects, with some able to heal the Specter directly, buff their attack, keep them from dying, and even help them draw aggro. As players progress further through their adventure, they can unlock additional uses for the Cube via the P-Organ, allowing them to use its effects faster or even us it more than once during battle.

There are even Wishstones that affect the player directly instead of the Specter. Players can use Golden Coin Fruit to trade for these Wishstones, which will automatically slot into the Cube from storage when players rest at a Stargazer. To change the active Wishstone, players can talk to Giangio himself or use any Stargazer.

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What To Do With Gold Coin Fruit

Lies Of P Saintess Of Mercy Menu

Golden Coin Fruit are primarily used to purchase Wishstones from Giangio, but they do have another use once players make it to Area VII. After defeating the major boss, Champion Victor, players will gain a key and unlock access to a special area that houses the Saintess Of Mercy Statue. Interacting with this statue will allow players to exchange Golden Coin Fruit for the ability to completely respec their attributes, reset their P-Organ, or redo their Legion Arm upgrades.

Saintess Of Mercy Statue Use


Reset Level

10 x Gold Coin Fruit

Reset P-Organ

10 x Gold Coin Fruit

Reset Legion Arm

5 x Gold Coin Fruit

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How To Make Gold Coin Fruit Grow Faster

Lies Of P Pick Gold Coin Fruit

When players first unlock the ability to harvest Gold Coin Fruit, they will need to wait for the fruit to grow between batches. At the start, players are able to snag 8 Gold Coin Fruit at once and then must wait approximately 10 minutes for the fruit to fully grow back. Thankfully, players can decrease the amount of time it takes for this Gold Coin Fruit to grow by obtaining an item called an Alchemical Booster, players can head to the tree itself and choose to inject it with the solution, which will cause it to speed up its Gold Coin Fruit growth dramatically. There are different sizes of Alchemical Boosters, with larger sizes lengthening the boosted effect for a longer period of time.

Players can also increase the amount of Gold Coin Fruit they receive from the Gold Coin Fruit Tree by applying a buff found in the Item Type tree of the P-Organ when slotting Quartz into a node.

lies of p-1
Lies of P

PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One
September 19, 2023
Round8 Studio , Neowiz