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As far as Soulslikes go, Lies of P does not pull any punches when it comes to its many bosses and enemies. When even the supposed cannon fodder can put an end to a run swiftly, players know that bosses mean business. Of course, there are ways to level the playing field, such as finding better weapons and upgrading them or learning new skills and abilities, but ultimately, a skilled operator is still required to defeat the threat.

As such, knowing one's enemies will make a world of difference in the ruins of Krat. And, as the game rumbles towards its conclusion, the danger levels will only rise. For players hoping to take down one of the toughest bosses in the game, this guide will hopefully pave the way toward victory over Laxasia, the Complete in Lies of P.

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How to Beat Laxasia, The Complete in Lies of P

It is vital that players are confident in their ability to pull off Perfect Guards/Parries for this fight, as Laxasia is not just an accomplished wielder of weapons but is also capable of using lightning to do her bidding. As with most challenging fights, this will be a battle split into two phases.

Phase 1

In this form, players should think of Laxasia as a hulking, armored threat that should only be engaged in bursts. With her giant sword, she will be able to cover a large distance and catch players off guard if they are not careful. Before beginning, Pinocchio can summon a Specter to help via the use of a Star Fragment, which can be a useful distraction, allowing for more attack windows. During the fight, it is important to watch out for the following:

  • At a distance, Laxasia will sprint and leap into the air to smash down; nailing down the timing will allow players to do Stagger damage to her every single time.
  • The boss may initiate a slow, three-hit combo with her sword, so either guard well or move away to chip at her health with throwables.
  • If her sword starts charging with lightning, she will sprint toward the player and swing up, leaving pools of electricity that will explode. Avoid those, and look out for two follow-up swings.
  • Another lightning attack sees Laxasia draw back and get ready to thrust. Getting hit will see her grab and do heavy damage, so players should try to block.
  • Getting too close to the boss will see her kick out, followed by a thrust. Get ready to block on both counts.
  • Players should watch out when she prepares to swing her sword up; this will initiate an extended combo that sees Laxasia chase players down, finishing with two horizontal swipes. The easiest way to avoid this is to sprint away from one end of the arena to the other.
  • She also does a similar combo to the one before, but this time, she smashes downwards, which ends in a Fury Attack. Retreating to a safe distance will prevent any damage.

Keep poking at her whenever possible, and using the Aegis Legion Arm can help as well, and eventually, the first part of the battle will end with Laxasia getting some comeuppance. At this point, it is likely that the Specter has run its course, so caution is once again advised heading into the latter half of the fight.

Phase 2

Lies of P How To Beat Laxasia, The Complete Phase 2

Now stripped of her armor, Laxasia goes all-out with the element of lightning, which makes her even more dangerous than before.

  • The first attack is always going to see Laxasia jump into the air and channel lightning bolts that zoom toward the player. Use Perfect Guards to send them back at her for some nice damage. At the end, she will rush the player with a Fury Attack, so keep up the block or try getting the right timing for a Perfect Guard.
  • If she leaps into the air again, Laxasia is preparing to throw a fast-moving bolt once more. This attack can be blocked to take less damage or reflected back at her.
  • Watch out for a series of slashes; the timing of this move is somewhat unpredictable, as Laxasia teleports a short distance every single time before attacking.
  • When she uses her shield to bash, she will leap into the air for two more slashes, so players should get ready.
  • Should Laxasia be guarding, Pinocchio should not attack her, as this will allow her free hits. During this, players should back away or take the chance to heal up with a Pulse Cell.
  • If the player manages to Stagger Laxasia, she won't go down quietly just yet. She will only become open to a Fatal Attack after two swings of her sword and an AoE lightning attack.

As much as possible, players should attack conservatively and use Fable Arts when Laxasia is distracted to take advantage. With enough practice, this threatening boss will go down, rewarding players with the Sad Zealot's Ergo and plenty of normal Ergo to use for upgrades.

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Lies of P

PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One
September 19, 2023
Round8 Studio , Neowiz