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The Black Rabbit Brotherhood is a group of four miscreants who have terrorized many people in Krat. Lies of P players encounter them not long after they meet the Red Fox and Black Cat in Malum District. In the first fight, players will have to fight the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood.

​​​​​​The fight feels rather simple in the beginning, but once the enemy's HP goes below a certain threshold, the other siblings join the fray. However, they do not have high HP, and they do not deal much damage either. After defeating the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, Lies of P players have to face all of them again in the Relic of Trismegistus.

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How To Beat Eldest Of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood (Second Time)

When players fight the Black Rabbit Brotherhood for the second time, things are going to be a bit more complicated. Unlike the first encounter, this time players have to fight the three siblings at the same time. Each of them can afflict players with a status ailment. The Youngest inflicts Decay, while the Eccentric Brother can lead to Electric Shock buildup. The third brother imbues his weapon with fire to cause Overheat.

Players should make a note to carry the following equipment before fighting the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Neighborhood for the second time:

Due to being outnumbered, summoning a specter is highly recommended. While the specter keeps them busy, players can run behind any of the three and try to backstab one of them for a lot of damage.

lies of p eldest of black rabbit brotherhood second time back stab

The key in this battle is to kill one of them as quickly as possible. Then, slowly chip away at the health of the remaining two. When they're both below 20% HP, kill them.

Once they are dead, the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood will break out of the coffin. If players kill two of the enemies and leave the third alive for too long, the Eldest will emerge, after which they can team up to demolish the players and the specter.

The Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood has a Fury Attack, which usually starts with him swinging the sword. After a few moves, he keeps his blade behind his back and walks a couple of steps toward the players before swinging the massive blade again. To avoid the attack, all players need to do is keep their distance and dodge backward.

lies of p eldest of black rabbit brotherhood second time fury attack

He will also run and throw himself at the players, which can also be dodged. One important detail to keep in mind is that if the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood gets staggered, don't rush in.

lies of p eldest of black rabbit brotherhood second time fatal attack

He will use his sword to attack anything nearby for a while before stopping. When he is on his knees, approach him and use a Fatal Attack. After the Black Rabbit Brotherhood defeated for the second time, players will receive:

  • Quartz

Lies of P is available on PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.