
  • Lies of P is an upcoming Soulslike game that takes place in a Belle Epoque steampunk fantasy world, offering players challenging boss fights and stunning environments.
  • The latest gameplay trailer highlights a variety of boss fights in the fallen city of Krat, featuring both biological and mechanical enemies.
  • The trailer showcases impressive weapon customization and provides a glimpse into the dark and atmospheric world of Lies of P, making it look like a promising addition to the Soulslike genre.

As fans become increasingly excited for the game's upcoming launch, Lies of P has released yet another gameplay trailer, this time showcasing a variety of boss fights. The game will take players into a Pinocchio-inspired realm where they will need to utilize Lies of P's combat styles and customizable weapons to defeat a number of otherworldly foes.

Releasing on September 19, Lies of P is a Soulslike set in a Belle Epoque steampunk fantasy world filled with a range of challenging enemies. Players can look forward to a variety of challenges as they fight against incredible bosses in stunning environments.

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The Boss Fight Showcase from Lies of P gives players an insightful look at the various bosses they will need to face in the fallen city of Krat. Unlike previous trailers, which focused on mechanical enemies, this new trailer shows a number of biological monsters. A dark, tree-like creature is seen wielding a large toothed ax while battling the titular protagonist P in a village filled with wooden huts. Shortly after, P is seen descending into a blood-filled catacomb to face a frightening monster with tentacles and pustule-ridden arms. A similar fungus-like creature is then shown being defeated in a massive hall covered in a dark growth. The trailer moves on to show a half-mech half-humanoid boss attacking P in what appears to be a clock tower. P is then spotted walking into a dungeon arena where he begins to battle a massive muscled enemy reminiscent of Bane from the Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City games.

While these biological enemies take center stage during this showcase, players get a better look at the established mechanical foes as well. A dual-wielding shield mech fights P in a crumbling alleyway, while automatons wielding flamethrowers fill the open streets of Krat. The trailer ends with a gargantuan mechanical monster swinging away at P, as the two battle in the center of an opera house. Though the trailer focuses on the grotesque yet gorgeous bosses, players are also able to get a fresh look at the weapon customization in Lies of P.

Bringing a stunning atmosphere and fearsome enemies, Lies of P looks to be a potential front-runner in the realm of Soulslike games. Players can dive into the dark fantasy world of Lies of P and fight monsters of mechanical and biological origin when the game launches in just one week.

Lies of P releases September 19 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: Lies of P: Burning Questions Answered