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In the world of Lies of P, players combine different weapons consisting of the blade and the handle to make the ultimate arsenal. As a player acquires various weapons during the gameplay, they can experiment with diverse combinations to attack enemies and survive the grim and dark city of Krat. This in-game procedure is referred to as weapon assembly.

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Because Lies of P features many weapon combinations ideal for various playstyles, players might get overwhelmed selecting the right weapon combos for their gameplay. Attaining a truly formidable weapon combo requires careful consideration of how these components synergize with each other. Individual preferences, playstyles, enemies, as well as the challenges a player is facing can also influence choices.

7 Pipe Wrench Handle And Booster Glaive Blade

pipe wrench (1)-1

The weapon is an ideal choice for those embracing a mobility-focused build. Boasting an extended handle and blade offers impressive reach, effectively compensating for its sluggish pace. Yet, even disregarding its extended reach, this weapon’s sheer raw power makes it a compelling choice.

The Booster Glaive Pipe Wrench combination exhibits impressive scaling—it starts with a respectable B in scaling, even before any enhancements. Consequently, those with high strength builds will extract substantial damage from this weapon, thanks to its potent regular attacks and devastating charged combos. Having excellent range makes setting up these charged attacks easier for maximum impact.

Besides, the weapon boasts an exceptional Guard Damage Reduction Rate. This allows gamers to restore their health through successful parries against adversaries. However, the weapon’s drawbacks include slower attack speed and substantial stamina consumption. It's vital to consider both factors when deciding to wield this weapon.

6 Wintry Rapier Handle And Fire Axe Blade

lies of p how to defeat the white lady

The weapon is small but offers remarkable capability. The Fire Axe blade is lightweight and delivers surprisingly swift attacks. Its ability to provide severe damage for its compact stature strikes an exceptional balance between speed and power.

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What’s even more impressive is that the Wintry Rapier handle scales well with technique. This helps it achieve an A scaling after just one weapon upgrade. As a result, the weapon can capitalize on even the narrowest opportunities, inflicting substantial damage.

One notable drawback of the weapon is the severely limited range and inadequate Guard Defense. When weighed against its fairly standard stamina consumption, the decision to employ this weapon against bosses ultimately rests with the player. Nonetheless, it remains a pretty impressive weapon combination.

5 Salamander Dagger Handle And Wintry Rapier Blade

Salamander Dagger Handle

This weapon offers exceptional mobility but has a limited range. The Rapier blade delivers rapid and precise strikes. On the other hand, the Salamander handle transforms the combat style into a slashing one. This broadens the weapon’s attack range, enhancing its effectiveness against multiple opponents.

It also delivers a remarkable speed of its attacks, allowing for swift and consecutive strikes during moments of opportunity. This unexpected attribute makes it surprisingly effective when facing larger adversaries. That said, players must have the stamina to sustain the engagement.

4 Pipe Wrench Handle and Acidic Crystal Spear Blade

Acidic Crystal Spear Blade (1)

The Acidic Crystal Spear stands out from other weapons as it inflicts acid damage to enemies, posing a significant threat to foes susceptible to the acid status effect. This build combines this lethal blade with a potent handle to achieve maximum effectiveness.

The Pipe Wrench handle features excellent motivity scaling, extended reach, and superior power compared to Crystal Spear’s standard handle. This helps the weapon to deliver broad, sweeping strikes that can effectively strike multiple enemies in a single blow. These powerful swings maximize a player’s damage output and exploit the vulnerability of the opponents suffering from the Decay status impact. Furthermore, the weapon possesses the acid spray Fable Art, enhancing its effectiveness.

3 Acidic Crystal Spear Handle And Wintry Rapier Blade

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As mentioned above, the Wintry Rapier blade is an excellent option for delivering rapid, precise damage. The Acidic Spear handle grants players an extended reach, enabling players to eliminate enemies like Laxasia well beyond their striking range. The combination excels at effortlessly dispatching lesser enemies and retains some impressive Fable Arts for enhanced damage.

While the overall damage output may not be exceptional, the attacks’ swiftness compensates for this deficiency. This means a player can execute attacks quickly and consecutively, potentially landing more hits in a shorter time. Additionally, if enemies succeed in closing the distance, it still offers a reasonably decent Guard Defense, although it may not be as high as some of the other weapons.

2 Electric Coil Stick Handle And Electric Coil Stick Head

electric coil lies of P

Electric Coil Stick Handle and Electric Coil Stick Head are advanced weapons combos a player can acquire relatively early in the game. The weapon combos create an electrifying effect. The setup allows players to strike opponents twice, swiftly evade backward, and patiently await their demise as they succumb to electrocution.

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Dodging backward enables gamers to move out of harm swiftly. This creates a distance from the enemies and allows the Electric Coil Stick’s inherent property to take effect. The weapon proves exceptionally deadly, particularly when facing off against puppets and human adversaries.

1 Booster Glaive Handle And Salamander Dagger Blade

salamander dagger

Another weapon combo for technique-focused players is the pairing of the Booster Glaive Handle and the Salamander Dagger Blade. The Booster Glaive Handle features a considerable length. This means it provides extended reach for the weapon.

The Salamander Dagger Blade is one of the fastest and lightest blades in the game. This means that it allows for quick and agile attacks. However, it has a significant downside: its limited reach due to its short length. However, players must be very close to their enemies to strike them effectively.

Lies of P is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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