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As Pinocchio gradually makes his way through the dark and harrowing streets of Krat in Lies of P, he will stumble across a few Legion Arms which can help make combat encounters a whole lot easier. Each Legion Arm has its own unique ability that is designed to aid Pinocchio when a fight starts getting a little too dangerous, but while many of them are already extremely powerful on their own, it's worth knowing that they can still be upgraded by using Quenching Stones.

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These upgrades will buff the stats and properties of a Legion Arm, but they can also grant it a few new abilities too, so it's never a bad idea to frequently return to Hotel Krat once the upgrading system has been unlocked in Act III. Quenching Stones aren't the easiest resource to come by though which is why it's important to know which Legion Arms are the most worthwhile to keep around in the long run.

7 Deus Ex Machina

Enemies Stepping Over A Landmine in Lies Of P

Since Pinocchio is going to be attacking most enemies head-on as opposed to running from them, it makes the Deus Ex Machina incredibly situational, but this isn't to say that it doesn't still have its uses. For starters, the actual damage of the landmine that the arm drops is incredibly high and will make quick work of any regular puppets who decide to step on it, just be careful not to get caught up in the AOE blast.

Where it really shines though is during boss fights, especially against large and more sluggish puppet enemies such as the Parade Master for example. After dealing some damage with his melee weapon, Pinocchio can easily back off and drop a few mines whilst he heals, keeping the enemy at bay and gradually whittling down their health bar before finishing them off with a devastating final blow.

6 Fulminis

Pinnochio Electrifying An Enemy With Fulminis

The Fulminis Legion Arm does admittedly become much more viable when it's upgraded so that Pinocchio can move around while charging it, but in its base form, it can be a little unpredictable at times which is never what you want in a Soulslike game. The charge time on the arm is also fairly lengthy which will leave Pinocchio exposed for a few seconds, so using it in quick bursts is usually the best way to go since while this won't knock an enemy over, it will still cause them to move slower which can make one-on-one encounters a cakewalk.

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As mentioned previously though, Fulminis really proves its worth when upgraded so that Pinocchio can not only walk around while charging it up but can also deal damage while he does it. Still, even in its base form, the Fulminis can be an absolute lifesaver when running around on low HP, or when coming up against stubborn enemies and mini-bosses like the Shovel Guard.

5 Puppet String

Pinnochio Grabbing An Enemy With Puppet String

Since it's one of the first Legion Arms players will come across during their playthrough, it would be easy to assume that Puppet String is fairly weak and ineffective compared to other arms found later, but it's actually incredibly powerful when used correctly. The ability to simply pull enemies toward Pinocchio is not only an easy way to split up groups of puppets, but it also essentially sets up a free kill as the enemy will flinch once they're grabbed, allowing Pinocchio to execute a quick slash without any risk.

Puppet String becomes even better though when the Trace ability is unlocked which allows Pinocchio to launch himself towards enemies which again leaves them wide open for an attack. The ability also makes Pinocchio incredibly mobile, feeling more like Nero from Devil May Cry 5 in how he is able to quickly grapple his way between enemies while avoiding attacks at the same time.

4 Falcon Eyes

Pinnochio Aiming His Falcon Eyes Legion Arm

Hacking and slashing puppets to pieces may be at the core of Lies of P's gameplay, but there's no shame in hanging back and picking a few enemies off from a distance too, especially when you have an explosive cannon for an arm. Falcon Eyes is a Legion Arm that can easily disburse small groups while dealing a whole lot of damage in the process thanks to the explosion that occurs after impact, making it extremely effective, even when it hasn't been enhanced.

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The AOE range of the shot can still be upgraded to be much bigger, and there's even a handy Quick Reload upgrade too which makes using the arm a lot faster, but these aren't essential and will only help to make this amazing utensil even more reliable. While it won't immediately take down all enemies with a single blast, even being able to dish out sustainable damage from a distance without getting in harm's way still makes it an extremely useful Legion Arm which can be used for just about any enemy encounter.

3 Pandemonium

Pinnochio And Two Enemies Affected By Acid

Acid is incredibly strong in Lies of P since so many enemies are weak to it, especially humans. Because of this, it is absolutely essential to use when taking on Stalker enemies, but as an added bonus, the acid will also degrade enemy weapons at a much faster rate, so it's always more or less guaranteed to help make a fight much easier than it would be otherwise.

Because the Pandemonium arm spits out a pool of acid that actually covers a fairly large radius, it's capable of afflicting multiple enemies at once, simply throw out some acid on a group of puppets and wait for their health to degenerate before finishing them off. There are also plenty of brutally challenging mid to late-game bosses, such as the dreaded Laxasia, who will not react well to acid, so keeping Pandemonium equipped and upgrading the stats over time is always a good idea.

2 Flamberge

Pinnochio Burning An Enemy With The Flamberge Legion Arm

While the Falcon Eyes Legion Arm acts in much the same way as Flamberge, with them both being deadly ranged weapons, Flamberge is not only a lot faster but also makes attacking directly after using it much easier. The arm is basically a flamethrower that Pinocchio can fire out in front of himself for a few seconds, and it's especially effective against puppet enemies.

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It might initially sound quite risky to fire up a flamethrower this close to a group of enemies, but because of the surprisingly long range of the flames, it means Pinocchio is never in danger of getting whacked while using it. With that being said though, the moderate distance means that he is still close enough to dish out a few quick slashes of his own once the initial damage has been dealt. Upgrading the range of Flamberge, or adding the Strengthen Combustion ability to increase the damage of the flames, will make this Legion Arm near-unstoppable.

1 Aegis

Enemy On Fire After Pinnochio Blocks An Attack With Aegis

Anyone who has played Sekiro might compare Aegis to the Loaded Umbrella found in that game, and not only is it just as useful this time around, but in some ways, it's even better. The arm starts off with a simple guard block that explodes once an enemy makes an impact, blowing Pinocchio a good distance away to where can set up a new attack, or even quickly heal himself to get back in the fight. This is only scratching the surface of what this shield is capable of though as once it has been upgraded, Pinocchio will also be able to attack while having his guard up which makes those annoying deaths to single regular enemies a much rarer occurrence.

It also puts a lot less pressure on the player to execute perfect parries which is often the reason Pinocchio ends up taking so much damage since they can be so difficult to pull off successfully. For anyone who has managed to get to grips with the parry system though, the shield can also be equipped with a Guard Parry ability which has the chance to immediately turn an enemy's health bar white due to the extra damage, setting up an easy kill that can be absolutely devastating towards bosses. This isn't even mentioning the Counter Charge which gives Pinocchio a charged-up attack right after a Perfect Guard, making this overall the best Legion Arm in the game and a weapon that's a ton of fun to play around with.

Lies Of P is available now on Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4 and 5, and PC.

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