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  • Lies of P is considered one of the all-time great entries in the Soulslike genre due to its extensive content and high level of polish.
  • The game is surprisingly difficult, especially past the halfway point, so farming Ergo to level up can greatly improve players' chances.
  • The article provides several early-game farming routes that players can use to gain more levels and even the odds against bosses and enemies.

The genre of Soulslike games is always ever expanding with new entries coming out all the time. However, Lies of P has quickly proven itself to be one of the all-time great entries to this subgenre due to the sheer amount of content and polish the game has. And, while no one expected this game to be easy, Lies of P is surprisingly difficult, especially at about the halfway point onward.

RELATED: Lies Of P: The Best Greatswords, Ranked

For players struggling with bosses at this point, or just with enemies in the game overall, farming Ergo (the currency of this game) to level a few more times will do a lot to make things a bit more bearable. So, let's go over some of the best early-game farming routes found so far that players can use to get just a few more levels and even their odds a bit more.

All the footage below is sped up to 250 percent and is from a NG+ run. So this means items, Ergo amounts, and enemy difficulty are all skewed accordingly.

5 Chapter I: Krat Central Station Plaza Stargazer




Amount of Enemies

Average Ergo Gained

Chapter 1

Krat Central Station Plaza



As far as 'early-game' farming locations go, it literally can't get any earlier than the first chapter. As soon as players exit Krat Central Station and activate their first Stargazer in its plaza, they arrive at Ergo's first farming spot. This circular plaza area strewn with luggage, horse bodies, human bodies, and broken puppets is deceptively packed with enemies, as long as players run around it to pull all their aggro.

Between the Candelabra-wielding Puppets and the Mechanical Dogs, there are about 10 enemies to be found in this area, with each one dying in one to three hits at the absolute most. Surprisingly, just one circuit of killing all these enemies will net players between 400-600 Ergo (depending on if they have any Ergo farm-increasing Amulets or P-Organ abilities equipped). Players new to this genre of games will want to use this area to bump up their Vitality or Vigor a few levels if they find themselves struggling against either the Parade Master or Scrapped Watchman.

4 Chapter II: Krat City Hall Stargazer




Amount of Enemies

Average Ergo Gained

Chapter 2

Krat City Hall Stargazer



The second farming spot on here is still found incredibly early on in Lies of P. It's technically before the game's first 'real' boss fight with the Scrapped Watchman, so players that are new to the Soulslike genre and struggling with the Watchman still have options to make their lives a bit easier. Essentially, players just need to fast-travel to the Krat City Hall Stargazer and just follow the path forward, beating the variety of Puppet Soldiers and Mechanical Dogs along the way. As seen in the video above, some players really do love to rely on their Legion Arm of choice.

RELATED: Lies Of P: The Best Amulets, Ranked

When dealing with the Soldiers, players can either aim for backstabs or they can simply swing once at each Soldier and they'll usually block it before coming right back with a spinning horizontal slash. If this attack is Perfect Guarded, it'll instantly break the weapon the Puppet is using, making it incredibly easy to take them out. Keep taking these Puppets out while following the winding path, and players will eventually wind up right in front of the entrance gate to the Scrapped Watchman. From here, just use the Moonphase Pocket Watch to reset from the Stargazer and repeat. There's also a large headless puppet in a side area between the courtyard and main City Hall building, but if players find this to be a bit much to fight repeatedly they can ignore this enemy entirely.

3 Chapter III: Workshop Union Entrance Stargazer



Amount of Enemies

Average Ergo Gained

Chapter 3

Workshop Union Entrance Stargazer



The next farming route is a very short one, especially compared to the other routes on here, but it makes sense given how close the enemies are to the Stargazer. To get here, players will need to get to Venigni Works and activate the Workshop Union Entrance Stargazer. Once they're here, simply head up the stairs to the right and head into the room on the left. In the back of this room is a trapdoor behind some breakable crates, go down into here to find two bulky defunct Puppets as well as a safe with the Salamander Dagger inside. After clearing this room out for the first time, open the door on the opposite end, and now this easy farming route is all ready to go.

Simply reset things by resting at the Stargazer, head back into the room, defeat those two defunct puppets, and repeat this quick cycle. This route has less of a haul per run considering it's just two enemies, but it's one of the easiest farming locations for players to offhandedly grind while they watch a YouTube video on the side or something. And, if players want to make the route a bit longer, they can go around the corner to the left of the Stargazer first, clear out the 2 smaller puppets and the elite large puppet here, and then head back to the original route room with the two defunct puppets.

2 Chapter III: Workshop Union Culvert




Amount of Enemies

Average Ergo Gained

Chapter 3

Workshop Union Culvert Stargazer



As it turns out, Chapter III actually has two separate great farming locations, with one being at the beginning of this area and one being closer to the end of it. Once players activate the Workshop Union Culvert, they're basically at farming spot number 3. From this spot, head to the hallway on the right with the gigantic flaming balls of discarded puppet parks constantly rolling by. Strewn all throughout this long narrow pathway are more of those tanky defunct puppets.

But, the best part is players don't even need to fight them to get free Ergo. All they'll need to do is get close enough to each of these puppets to pull their aggro, avoid the incoming flaming orbs of puppet parts, and make sure the puppets following them don't manage to avoid the flaming orbs. By doing it this way, players can essentially farm Ergo without even lifting a finger to attack themselves.

1 Chapter V: Malum District Stargazer



Amount of Enemies

Average Ergo Gained

Chapter 5

Malum District Stargazer



And for the final farming spot, there's one in Chapter 5. Considering there are 10 Chapters in Lies of P, maybe Chapter 5 is a bit late to be called an 'early-game' farming location. However, given that the last 4 or so chapters of the game are much longer, more difficult, and more story-heavy, farming Ergo (or upgrade materials) in Chapter 5 is what a lot of players will end up doing anyway. To find this spot, players will need to naturally progress through the Malum District until they reach the shortcut in the restaurant leading back to the Malum District Stargazer.


Once this shortcut is open and the route is all set up, head into the restaurant directly in front of the Stargazer. In this restaurant is a whole swarm of Carcass basic mobs as well as one of those elite Carcass mobs with long arm spikes. Once the player gets used to the timing of this elite's Perfect Guards and/or the Stagger damage needed, this farming location is actually very efficient. Plus, considering the best Merchant for throwable items is also in this restaurant, this is also a fantastic farming location for players trying to stock up on throwables like Shot Puts, Sawblades, Thermites, and Throwing Cells.

MORE: Lies Of P: The Best Daggers, Ranked

Lies of P

PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One
September 19, 2023
Round8 Studio , Neowiz