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Lies of P is much like every other Soulslike — it is very difficult at times, and players need to make the right decisions in order to make the most out of their builds. There's nothing too complicated in this game, but the walls of text and convoluted mechanics might throw some people off, especially those who are new to the subgenre.

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The following is a collection of tips meant to help newer players have a better start in Lies of P. There are many more nuanced mechanics to discover and play around with, but this article should cover the basics well enough to paint a clearer picture of how to proceed in the first few hours of the game.

Invest in Vigor Early

The stats screen in Lies of P

Vigor increases P's max stamina, allowing him to make block, dodge, and attack more before getting tuckered out. Having more stamina early is often better than having more health since dodging and blocking can completely negate incoming damage, but this will have to depend on the player and how well they can avoid attacks.

Ideally, players should be investing in both Vigor and Vitality early. This allows for more forgiveness overall, and it will set them up for a better mid-to-late-game experience.

Allocate Stats Properly

The level up screen in Lies of P

After making a decent Vigor and Vitality investment, players should then pick one or two other stats to focus on. The three options are Motivity, Technique, and Advance, and each dictates different parts of P's abilities.

For the most part, players will want to dump more points into the stat that scales best with their main weapon. Motivity normally affects heavy weapons while Technique affects more agile ones. Advance improves the effectiveness of Legion Arms and throwables.

Watch For Ambushes

An enemy lying in wait in Lies of P

Getting ambushed is a fairly common occurrence in Lies of P. When something seems to be a little too conveniently placed, then it's likely that an enemy is hiding behind some boxes or hanging on some ledge above. Sometimes, enemy puppets are closely guarded by their friends as well, so make sure to check those corners before approaching something.

Bait or Drag Enemies

Using the Puppet String Legion Arm in Lies of P

Speaking of ambushes, one of the best ways to avoid these is to lure or hook enemies closer by throwing things at them or using ranged attacks. Sawtoothed Wheels are designed specifically to draw the attention of would-be targets toward the player, and the Puppet String Legion Arm is great at dividing and conquering enemy groups.

Fight or Flight

Sneaking past an enemy in Lies of P

In true Soulsborne fashion, players can opt to either fight everything in their way or just run away from them. Some enemies will eventually lose interest in players, allowing them to safely take out any of the weaker stragglers or just rest up at a nearby Stargazer.

Other times, an enemy might chase players down. Depending on the enemy, they might start glowing red and use undodgeable and unblockable attacks that can only be avoided by perfectly blocking them.

Avoid Fighting Near Walls

Fighting a puppet in Lies of P

When fighting enemies, it's possible to get completely thrown off-beat if players happen to attack next to a wall. Weapons can bounce off walls and throw P off-balance, presenting enemies with a clear shot.

As much as possible, players should fight in open areas. If this isn't possible, consider using weapons with thrusting attacks or overhead swings to minimize the chances of hitting a wall.

Always Look for Shortcuts

An elevator shortcut in Lies of P

The majority of exploration segments lead to shortcuts that players can use to reduce the travel time between Stargazers and the next big Lies of P challenge blocking the way. These usually come in the form of locked gates, retracted ladders, or broken elevators.

Maps in Lies of P are relatively straightforward, and finding these shortcuts doesn't usually take much effort unless players are actively refusing to explore. There's also a good chance that players might stumble upon some hidden items while looking for shortcuts, so make sure to check the beaten path every so often.

Lies of P is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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