
  • Building multiple research rooms and hiring staff with high research proficiency is essential to maximize the number of classes students can study in Let's School.
  • Prioritizing the development of Humanities or Science departments can lead to higher success ratings in the game.
  • Progressing through the game requires completing research on various reforms to unlock new classes and facilities, such as cafeterias and playgrounds, to support student success.

Being Headmaster to a high-achieving new school does not come without a little hard work, as proven in Pathea’s 2023 school management game Let’s School. Curriculums and specific classes in Let’s School are made accessible to players predominantly by assigning staff to conduct research on various subjects. It is essential for players to build multiple research rooms with multiple desks manned by staff members who possess a High Research Proficiency to maximize the number of classes that students can study. Due to this, it is essential when hiring staff to look out for teachers with a High Research and Training Proficiency or trade staff regularly with Rival Schools for a better faculty, as this will give players a huge boost at the start of gameplay.

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Players will likely need to progress chronologically through the game by completing research first on a series of "Reforms" that provide access to new classes. Of course, virtual headmasters may favor developing their Humanities or Science departments as a priority over other subjects depending on the collective aspirations and needs of their students. However, these are the classes that are recommended for players to unlock as quickly as possible to achieve the highest success rating in Let’s School.

4 Starter Research Upgrades

Locked Courses and Teacher Proficiency in Let's School

From the moment gamers enroll their first class of students, a selection of basic classes will be available in the Timetable for assigned teachers to present to their class straight away. This is known as the Starter Research Upgrade which includes around four unique classes for each category of Junior Humanities, Science, Art, and Sports courses. However, teachers will not be able to immediately teach some of the classes in each category such as "Algebra" and "Literature Fundamentals" without undergoing sufficient training and research. In the early stages of gameplay, this may prove to be a long process as players will only be able to train one teacher at a time and will have limited resources like desks to enable faster research.

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As such, players will need to decide which classes they believe will benefit their students the most, whether this will be Mathematics and Geometry lessons for students with Science-based aspirations or Music Appreciation for Art-motivated students. After conducting research to unlock and train teachers in each class, it will be possible to successfully add these new classes to the school curriculum and place lessons in each Class Timetable. The Starter Research Upgrade is perfect for first-years who are gaining base-level knowledge, but teaching these rudimentary classes won’t always ensure student success on exam day.

3 School Reform I Upgrades

School Reform One and Assembly Hall in Let's School

While players may quickly have their attention diverted to researching and building necessary facilities such as cafeterias, playgrounds, and bathrooms, the School Reform I Upgrade should be high on every virtual headmaster’s list of priorities. The School Reform I Upgrade unlocks another round of classes in each category for Intermediate Humanities, Science, Art, and Sports. This will become important when first years become second years, thereby requiring a more intensive curriculum to pass the exam at the end of the semester (i.e. at the end of each week). Intermediate classes require new facilities and builds, including a Projection Room and Biology Labs, so be sure to renovate the school in alignment with improving the curriculum to avoid delays in student success. Players may want to investigate which are the best Builds to upgrade first in Let's School to keep up with academic demands.

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Research will become easier with this Upgrade as the "Staff Training" Management course will allow players to finally train multiple teachers at once, speeding up the process of assembling a prosperous Timetable. The "Superior Teaching" and "Advanced Research" rewards in this upgrade will also improve the quality of teaching and research, respectively. Additional benefits of completing the School Reform I Upgrade include a School Store to raise funds for the school, an Infirmary to treat unwell students and increase their overall satisfaction, and improved hygiene and emergency services. Over time, players may also want to obtain and equip Classroom exclusive objects that boost teaching skills and also trade with rival schools in the area to gain new modules faster. Outside this Reform, completing the "Knowledge is King" module will also hugely speed up research time, which will be very needed considering that each new Upgrade will increase the time needed to unlock its potential.

2 School Reform II Upgrades

School Reform Two and Infirmary in Let's School

As players see their first class of students reach their third and penultimate semester, Advanced Humanities, Science, Art, and Sports classes will be required to fully equip students to become successful athletes, artists, scientists, and wordsmiths upon leaving the school. A downside of this upgrade is that it will take 5.6 in-game days to gain access to its content and additional research time to train staff to be able to teach the new subjects. Remember that teachers will need to advance their skills to keep up with their assigned classroom of students as they age.

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However, players have a higher likelihood of seeing their students pass exams with full marks when they learn from these high-quality classes. Other rewards include the introduction of an "Assembly Hall" where motivational weekly Speeches boost student morale and abilities and also "Educational Entertainment" and Furniture, which allows children to learn while playing educational games that satisfy their need for fun and stress relief.

1 School Reform III Upgrades

School Reform Three, Dessert Shop and Campus Arcade in Let's School

The third and final School Reform Upgrade in Let’s School is the lengthiest to research, taking up a staggering 20.9 in-game days to acquire the last available set of class content: the Expansion Courses in Humanities, Science, Art, and Sports. At this stage, it is recommended to build at least four classrooms to cater not only to each new year group joining the school each week but also to customize Timetables so that there is a designated Classroom for Science, Literature, Art, and Sports focused students. The last Reform also provides several new sources of income, such as a "Dessert Shop" (boasting $500 ice cream for the rich and luxurious sweet-toothed student) and a "Campus Supermarket" selling performance-boosting academic supplies. The high entertainment value "Campus Arcade" provides a sanctuary for "delinquent" video-game-obsessed students to finally game without interference from strict teachers.

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It may be a grueling process of research and staff training to reach the stage of a perfect school curriculum for students. Nonetheless, investing in the School Reform Upgrades and the classes they unlock will reward players with the ability to meet student and staff demands, pass exams with flying colors, and raise the school’s rank, which will help all aspiring virtual Headmasters in Let’s School.

Let's School is available now on PC.

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