While Update v50 finally allowed Lethal Company players to kill the previously invincible Forest Keepers, it also added a powerful new enemy to the game world called the Old Bird. Despite the innocuous name, these massive mechanical creatures will become a barrier for those who decide to stroll through Adamance or Artifice in the afternoon. Sometimes, these enemies wander to other moons, too.

To win or at least survive after meeting the Old Bird, you must follow a set of strict rules and recommendations, as neglecting safety will force you to choose between being burned alive or dying from a couple of rocket launcher shots. For those looking to prepare for an encounter with the Old Bird in Lethal Company, this guide will provide some useful tips and strategies.

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How To Survive Against The Old Bird In Lethal Company

Old Bird in Lethal Company

The first thing players should know about the Old Bird in Lethal Company is that they have several activity phases. In the first phase, which occurs from early morning until 3 pm, these mighty metal monsters remain inactive and pose no threat. Therefore, when arriving at the moon where these creatures live, you should hurry up and finish all work before 3 pm if possible.

The second phase of activity begins at 3 pm (this phase will occur instantly regardless of the time of day if you take the Apparatus) and revolves around the destruction of all life in the world. The Old Bird does not distinguish between the player, the Eyeless Dog, the Forest Keeper, or any other outdoor creature; it attacks everyone it looks at.

Additionally, the Old Bird's attack set is as varied as the shades of rust on its body. Often, this mechanical enemy leisurely wanders around the world scanning the territory, but upon noticing a living creature, it can do the following:

  • Fly into the air to quickly reach the target or fall on it and crush it with its weight.
  • When near an enemy, it uses a flamethrower to burn everything in front of it. But it can also grab a target and burn it, resulting in death.
  • The Old Bird can also fire rockets and, sometimes, several shots at a time. Regardless of your position, the missiles will fly towards you and deal 30 area damage. Fortunately, you can save yourself by quickly running to the side. In addition, you can hide behind any building or stone to help prevent damage.

The best advice players can take is to avoid this enemy when possible. Finish everything before the patrol area phase or wait until dark, and there are several reasons why this should be done. Firstly, in the dark, the Old Bird uses its eye flashlight to inspect the territory, and you will see exactly where you should not go and how to get around it. Secondly, this mechanical monster attacks everything that moves, but other monsters do not know about it. Simply put, you can sneak around in the dark while the Old Bird has fun with the other inhabitants of the moon.

If the tips above are not for you, the Jetpack should be your best friend. By flying over Old Bird, you can easily maneuver and outrun missiles. Of course, this does not guarantee 100% survival, but it is much better than remaining on the ground. As a last resort, use the TZP-Inhalant to get a boost and try to escape from the massive enemy on foot.

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Can You Kill The Old Bird In Lethal Company?

Old Bird in Lethal Company

Similar to the Earth Leviathan, the Old Bird is an immortal creature that takes no damage. The monster will ignore any damage you deal you try to deal to it, resulting in nothing other than your potential death.

However, although you cannot kill the Old Bird, you can disable it. On some moons, such as Artifice, you can find massive warehouses. Inside these buildings, some levers activate massive warehouse doors. Simply open the door, lure the enemy inside, and close the door. Despite its size, the Old Bird will not be able to leave the building.

Where To Find The Old Bird In Lethal Company

Old Bird in Lethal Company

As stated earlier, the Old Bird is a permanent inhabitant of the new moons, added in Update v50. So you will find these creatures often on Embrion and Artifice. That said, you can also meet these mechanic monsters on the following moons:

  • 8-Titan
  • 7-Dine
  • 20-Adamance
  • 21-Offense
  • 41-Experimentation

That is everything you need to know about the Old Bird in Lethal Company. Although they are harmless in the morning and easy to avoid at night, they should not be underestimated. If you meet these monsters between 3 pm and 5 pm, surviving the encounter can be incredibly difficult.

lethal company
Lethal Company

October 23, 2023